
Sunday's news in under 5 minutes.





New ISIS video claims to show British man being beheaded.

The Islamic State (ISIS) have released a new video threatening British Prime Minister David Cameron. It allegedly depicts a British aid worker named David Haines being beheaded. This third beheading in the space of a few weeks is believed to be a warning to all US allies supporting American efforts in the Middle East.

The ISIS militants in the video reportedly warn, “For being a lapdog, Cameron, you will drag your people into another bloody and unwinnable war”.

“The British man has to pay a price for your promise, Cameron, to arm the Peshmerga against the Islamic State.”

Cameron responded by tweeting, “We will do everything in our power to hunt down these murderers and ensure they face justice, however long it takes.”

Australian military to be deployed to combat Islamic State extremists

Tony Abbott has announced today that Australia will deploy a military force to the Middle East.

The Prime Minister told media in Darwin that it will be part of international efforts to combat Islamic State extremists, and that the force would operate as a training unit for the Iraqi military for potentially some time.

“The government has decided to prepare and to deploy to the United Arab Emirates a military force,” Mr Abbott said. “If this does evolve into combat operations, this could go on for some time… many months indeed.”

The Prime Minister added that the US government had specifically requested a contribution of forces from Australia.


Steve Jobs limited his own childrens’ technology consumption.

Walter Isaacson who wrote the autobiography ‘Steve Jobs’ has told The Times the founder of Apple limited his own children’s technology consumption.

“No one ever pulled out an iPad or computer. The kids did not seem addicted to all devices. Every evening Steve made a point of having dinner at the big long table in their kitchen, discussing books and history and a variety of things.”

In 2010, when the iPad was selling out worldwide, Jobs admitted his youngest daughters had never touched one.


Southern Cross Austereo donates to deceased nurses family. Accepts ‘full responsibility’.

Southern Cross Austereo has donated $500,000 to Jacintha Saldana’s family and released a statement accepting responsibility, after a prank call they made in 2012 allegedly contributed to the nurses suicide.

Mel Greig and Michael Christian called King Edward V11 Hospital in December 2012 pretending to be part of the Royal family. Saldana put through their call to the ward the Duchess of Cambridge was being treated on. She committed suicide shortly after the prank made international headlines. In a suicide note, Saldana blamed the humiliation caused by the prank on her decision to take her own life.

Following the inquest in London yesterday, Southern Cross Austereo released a statement. It said:

“We do not assume, of course, that this donation or any amount of money could relieve the feelings of loss felt by Ms Saldanha’s family, but it is our hope that it may help them in the future. The production of radio programmes, like television programmes, is a collaborative process.

Radio announcers are an important part of the process, but they are not the final decision makers. There is no fair or reasonable basis on which blame can be apportioned to any individual, including the presenters of the programme. Southern Cross Austereo has always accepted full responsibility for the making of the call and its broadcast.”


Search continues for missing three-year-old boy:

Police are continuing the search for missing three-year-old William Tyrell from Sydney’s mid-north coast. He was last seen playing at 10:30 am Friday morning in the front yard of his home in Kendall. At the time he was wearing a Spiderman suit.

William has been described as Caucasian in appearance, with dark hair and hazel eyes.

Anyone with information is urged to call CrimeStoppers on 1800 333 000

Second ride shut down at the Adelaide show

A second children’s ride at the Royal Adelaide show has been closed.

The ride, called Traffic Jam, was shut down after a Facebook user shared a photo that allegedly showed a child on the ride that did not meet height restrictions.

Although the authenticitiy of the photo has not yet been verified, the show’s organisers are unwilling to take any risks after Friday’s tragedy and shut down the ride on Saturday afternoon.

Royal Adelaide Show general manager Michelle Hocking said that it is now up to SafeWorkSA to investigate the safety of the ride.

Kanye West abuses wheelchair users at Sydney concert

Kanye West has been slammed after targeting handicapped users during his Sydney show on Friday night.

According to the Daily Mail Australia, fans who attended the concert have confirmed that the rapper asked the entire audience to stand up for his song Good Life – and stopped the entire concert when two audience members did not get to their feet. The two audience members were, in fact, in wheelchairs.

It has been reported that one waved a prosthetic limb at Kanye, to which he said, “okay, you fine.” However, Kanye apparently refused to acknowledge that the other fan was in a wheelchair, and sent his bodyguard into the audience to double-check – despite other audience members shouting out to explain the situation.

Reports have written that Kanye refused to start the song again before receiving confirmation from his bodyguard, saying: This is the longest I’ve had to wait to do a song, it’s unbelievable.”

Kim Hunt’s sister feels “no hatred or anger” towards murderer Geoff Hunt.

Kim Hunt’s sister, Jenny Geppert, has told The Daily Telegraph she does not blame Geoff for murdering his family.

“All I feel is sadness and the terrible loss of a most amazing family,” she said.

“I still love Geoff as much as I ever have and I always will.”

Geppert does not believe the murder was premeditated, saying it was a consequence of her sister’s brain injury and the toll it took on the Hunt family.

“A brain injury robs a person of empathy and love. Unless you live with someone who’s gone through this you can’t understand – it dulls their emotions,” Mrs Geppert said.

“I can only imagine that Geoff decided it was all too hard, that there was just too much to deal with.”


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Top Comments

Jess 10 years ago

I really hope that the Hunt family tragedy will alert people to the stress facing those caring for family with ABIs, and how little support there actually is for an often "invisible" disability.

Guest 10 years ago

#5 Geoff Hunt appears to be a victim of an appalling lack of support in a society where more talk (and finger pointing) rather than resources is given to those who do the best they can until they can't anymore and snap. Of course, all the good that was done is overlooked by the horrific aftermath but where is the call to arms in resourcing the chronically under-resourced mental health of the citizens of our society? Apparently, the label murderer is the most apt description of who this man was, certainly not a father, husband or care-giver. Why was this man left to care for someone with a brain injury on his own? What support is given to those who care for dependents with disabilities?

Luxxe 10 years ago

I think it was more than that. A complete and utter psychosis with who knows what cause.