
Sam Wood was mistaken for a gardener in the Mamamia lift.


Every workplace or friend group has that one overly keen person who is just a little too chirpy.

Take that person, multiply them by seven, and you end up with Clare Gerber.

Clare is a diligent and talented video producer for us here at Mamamia. But when the work day ends (actually, more often while the work day is still going) Clare doesn’t mind a bit of Aussie celebrity hunting.

When we say ‘hunting’, we really mean hunting.

She tends to wait until someone comes into the Mamamia office to record a podcast, film a video or conduct an interview.

Then? As they hop into the lift, alone, on their way out? She pounces.

The latest Australian celebrity to befall Clare's stalk is fitness expert and ex-Bachelor contestant, Sam Wood.



As she darts into the lift, Clare looks Sam square in the eye. "Ahhh you were on reality TV!"

Clare clearly thinks he was on the biggest loser because she congratulates him on "keeping the weight off."

Read: Sam Wood's tummy workout designed to be done in a TV ad break.

"Can I just ask you one question?" says Clare.

No. Don't embarrass us, Clare. Keep it professional.

"What was it like to marry someone you'd never seen before?"

No Clare that's Married at First Sight. Sam was The Bachelor. He walked off into the sunset with Snezana. Remember?

"Oh the one with the roses?"

Yes. The one with the roses.

"What kind of fertiliser do you use? Those roses look amazing."

CLARE he didn't grow them.

You can watch Clare Gerber embarrass herself and annoy Sam Woods in the full video, below:

Sam, mate... next time you come in for a visit maybe give us a heads up? We'll make sure we put Clare away for you. She needs to be protected from herself.

You also need to be protected from her.

More from our 'In a Lift with...' series:

In a Lift with: Rosie Waterland - author, comedian, podcast host. 

In a Lift with: Sarah Wilsonfounder of the 'I Quit Sugar' movement.

In a Lift with: Guy SebastianAustralian singer-songwriter.

In a Lift with: Kasey Chambers - Australian country music singer-songwriter.

In a Lift with: Mia Freedman - author, editor, journalist. 

In a Lift with: Andrew Daddo - podcast host, actor, TV personality.

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