
Meet the boy who's taking us back to Platform 9 ¾


Meet the boy who's taking us back to Hogwarts. Well, he's trying.

'Improv Everywhere" are a New York based prank collective who set up scenes in public places, much to the delight of unsuspecting by-standers, and the latest instalment of their Movies in Real Life series has excited Harry Potter fans around the world.

11-year-old actor Sebastian Thomas was made-up to look exactly like Harry Potter, and then sent to wander through New York's Pennsylvania station. Complete with a British accent, he pushed a trolley with a trunk and a white owl precariously balanced on top, and asked commuters where he could find Platform 9 ¾. He even stopped to at a luggage counter to ask if he should check in his owl!

Impressively the young boy managed to keep a straight face as he searched the express train to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Take a look:



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