
Rumbles from the jungle: Australia's 'I'm a Celebrity - Get Me Out of Here' kicks off.

After what feels like decades of teaser commercials and cross-promotion, I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here is here.

Last night was the debut of Channel 10’s I’m A Celebrity – Get Me Out Of Here!, a show that drops celebrities into the jungle, minus their mobile phones, personal assistants or make-up artists (and plus animals, dirt, sweat and other celebs).

Comedian Julia Morris and Chris “The Bondi Vet” Brown are hosting the show live — which was filmed in remote South Africa — five nights a week.

After watching the show while living in the UK for seven years, host Julia told news.com.au she “pulled out all the stops” to be able to host one of her favourite TV shows (alongside one of her favourite men).

“I’m a really big fan of the UK version of the show. I actively cancel stuff to stay home and watch it,” she said.

So, digital drum roll please, the celebrities are…. (Post continues after gallery):

 FOR MORE ‘I’m a Celebrity: Earlier rumours about celeb contestants proven wrong.

So what went down in episode one?

The celebrities travelled by helicopter to their ‘remote and dangerous’ location, where they were asked to jump from the terrifying height of approximately 3 metres into crocodile infested waters (or at least, into a 2 metre square, roped-off area within that water).

After some wandering through the jungle with a rope and Akubra hats, the celebrities approached their camp (aided by some fairly professional looking rock climbing equipment).

Their home for the next few weeks looks, well, kind of like they live on Gilligan’s Island. Some commented that is was ‘magical’ and ‘beautiful’, others that it was an apartment you don’t want to come home to.


Chrissie Swan became immediate besties with Grown Up Marcia Brady and the random male model who runs a website where he regularly gets naked won fans by starting a fire (with a flint).

Former swimmer, Liesel Jones is promptly elected as the group’s captain because she is an Olympian and having worn the green and gold makes her best suited to such leadership opportunities. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie. Oi, Oi, Oi.

As darkness falls, it begins to rain and Marcia Brady Maureen has a sooky-la-la – in typical Marcia style – because her camp bed is wet. Jan Brady eat your heart our, she wouldn’t have put up with that kind of shit.

The Australian celebrities all feign sympathy as Marcia repeats again and again “it’s just a process”.


The Tucker Trial:

Chrissie Swan is chosen to lead the first ‘tucker trial’ which is apparently reality TV code for ‘food run’.  Comedian Joel Creasy and former AFL player Big Bad Barry Hall accompany her.

To win the right to eat (and the same privilege for the rest of her team), Chrissie is tied to the ground inside a giant plastic star and provided with some goggles. A blindfolded Barry then proceeds to pour boxes of creepy crawlies and slime over the top of her, guided by Joel Creasy’s audio instruction.

There are worms, locusts, slime, cockroaches, maggots and ants by the thousands. To her credit, Chrissie is an absolute bloody trooper as she puts up with being covered in seriously vomit-worthy natural and not-so-natural goop. She wins six meals for her team back at camp.

Post continues after gallery:

So, what happens tonight?

Will the chemistry or friction between the stars be enough to sustain five nights a week of live television? Will audiences be sufficiently entertained by celebrities whining (because surely throwing a weekly tantrum is in their contract…) about the conditions, bugs and food?

In truth, the real question waiting to be answered is how long it will take before one of the celebs falls to their knees, throws their arms to the sky and screams…”I need to sack my agent.”

So far the public’s verdict on the show seems to be in line with journalist Tracey Spicer (who was reportedly approached to star in the show). She tweeted this earlier:

Yikes indeed.

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Top Comments

Sue 9 years ago

Jo-beth and Bonnie backstabbing of Laurina Fleur tonight is just sooo typical 'Woman bullying Woman' behaviour. So typical of old and has been females beating up more attractive or younger women behaviour.  She borrowed the mirror for goodness sake, what's so wrong with that? Yes she's as selfish as any young women or men are, while competing to get ahead. We all learn as we get older don't we. C'on as if Jo-beth and Bonnie didnt in their time!! Any educated 1st world person with reasonable education, especially "so talented" women ike Jo-beth & Bonnie, you should have 'figured out' by now free market 'selfishness' individuality makes our 1st world go round!!

When will women learn a key reason women lag behind men in all parts of professional life is because men build each other up, while women compete by stab, bitch and put other women down.

Get over yourselves Jo-beth and Bonnie, society gave you plenty of opportunities and wealth. You've had your time, deal with that fact!!! You should be helping to build up, elevate and inspire other women now, whatever their aspirations. Remember your aspirations weren't exactly 'Noble or great' sorry, some circles may consider you merely 'the entertainment??!'.. but society, we supported you nevertheless, yeah?

Start paying back and forward to younger women, or not shit on their aspirations at least to make yourselves feel better. STOP your typical 'Woman on Woman' bullying bitchy behaviours, we want to change this old terrible culture now. Get new aspirations and goals in life, Jo-beth and Bonnie. Makes me so sick women like these two.

Scotty DownUnder 10 years ago

Ok, so it's not the most engrossing show on telly, and people complain that they don't know, nor care about the majority of the 'celebrities' who are on it. Nobody ever said there'd be big name stars on it. Don't forget, it's been running in the UK for 10 years, and although I've only seen the occasional episode of that version, I can attest that that is the point of the show. The celebs that sign up for it, are nearly always peripheral, or borderline celebs. Helloooo. Peter Andre, anyone??