
HOROSCOPES: This is the week for a fresh start, Capricorn.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning January 7. For more from Natasha, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

Venus' connection with Chiron helps you mend a strained relationship with a female friend, your mum, sister or an aunt. Try to recognise the beauty and vulnerability in this person, Aries. Healing this rift requires you to take a bold step forward to initiate reconciliation. It's about being courageous and laying your feelings bare. So, if you're genuinely looking to repair this relationship, the ball is in your court. Wear your heart on your sleeve and make that first crucial move towards mending fences. 


POWER DAY Thursday.

With Mars and Jupiter aligning in your favour, expect to hit a high note by week's end, be it nailing a big project, reaching a long-standing goal, or seeing a dream come to fruition. So, step into the week with open arms and an open mind. Say ‘yes!’ to opportunities, even those that seem a bit out there. Because bold moves lead to unexpected and lucky outcomes. Don't shy away from taking a leap, Taurus. This planetary duo also sparks an urge for overseas travel, offering a much-needed break to refresh and reinvigorate. 


POWER DAY Wednesday and Friday.

Watch: Horoscopes in the bedroom. Story continues after video. 

Video via Mamamia.


If finances have squeezed you dry, La Luna opens a new chapter that brings a golden opportunity and a fresh perspective on managing your money. The new Moon heralds a potentially lucrative investment. However, don't skip the homework. Even though it appears profitable, the stars urge groundwork. Thoroughly vet the details before committing to any agreements or contracts. Once you've done the necessary checks, this deal could be a winner. For some, there's a chance of receiving an inheritance, or if you've loaned money out, you might see it returned with extra interest. 

POWER DAY Tuesday.


Thursday's new Moon brings clarity to a new connection. If you've been reluctant to show your vulnerability, this is the time to open up and let someone see the real you. For others, it's a period of renewal and connection. You and your partner are in sync this week, tackling a common goal. Success hinges on teamwork. Hear each other out, respect differing viewpoints, and you'll see that together, you're stronger. Achieving this goal won't just be a win; it will also deepen and strengthen your relationship, proving the power of unity. 

POWER DAY Thursday.


Tuesday’s link between Mercury and Neptune is a double-edged sword. Creatively, it's a jackpot – your ideas sparkle, your talent stands out, and your innovation is at its peak. Whether brainstorming in solitude or with a group of like-minded people, expect remarkable results. However, there's a flip side: you might face someone who undermines your contributions. Tread carefully here, Leo. Approach this situation with tact and cunning, and if a confrontation looms, sleep on it before reacting. Your response should be as thoughtful and strategic as the ideas you champion. 

POWER DAY Wednesday.


Children take centre stage this week. For many, this is your cue to reconnect with your inner child. Think about it – when did you last have a good belly laugh? Make room for fun. Whether trying out laughter yoga, joining a painting class, or simply doing something that makes you smile, now’s the time. And for parents, Thursday’s new Moon highlights a special milestone in your child’s life. Maybe it's time to start a new family tradition or just have an extra special day out. Celebrate your child by high-fiving their achievements and showing them they're heard and valued. 

POWER DAY Tuesday.


This week, the spotlight's on your home, thanks to the Sun and Moon's North Node. Dive into those home improvement projects or hunt for that perfect new place. You might just find it by the weekend. On the family front, if you're worried about an ageing parent, you'll be stepping up to help out more. It's a big task, but you're up for it, Libra. Just remember to keep an eye on your own wellbeing, too. Juggling family responsibilities could sap your energy this week, so ensure you're making time to decompress and look after yourself. 



Mars, your go-to planet, is making some sweet moves this week, setting you up for a win. You'll be nailing tasks left and right, and somehow, everything seems to click into place – talk about being in the right place at the right time. Just remember, there’s no need to rush. Take it easy, treat people with respect, and pace yourself. Getting things done doesn't mean steamrolling over others. And while you're at it, give a shout-out to the universe. A little gratitude goes a long way in keeping that lucky streak alive. 



Thursday’s new Moon in your financial sector revamps your approach to money. You could be starting a new job, kicking off a startup, or pushing for a pay rise. This week, you demand that your time and effort be rightly rewarded. La Luna turns your financial goals into concrete steps – whether updating your resume, setting up a business plan, or researching market salaries. With this lunation, you're putting in the hard yards, but when the payoff matches your input, the effort feels more like an investment in your future and less like a grind. The key? Recognising your worth and chasing what you deserve.




On Thursday, a new Moon in your sign signals a fresh start, especially in your relationships or how you present yourself. Feeling like a makeover? Go for it, whether for professional growth or to boost your confidence in love. But take a step back if you're trying to win over someone new and it’s costing you more than you bargained for. This lunation reminds you that your appearance doesn't measure your true worth. Being your authentic, beautiful self – that’s what really leaves a lasting impression. 

POWER DAY Thursday.


With the new Moon in your relax-and-rejuve zone, you're brainstorming ways to recharge your batteries. And rightly so, as it’s shaping up to be a big year for you, Aquarius. Carve out some ‘me time’, and maybe commit to a detox weekend at that health retreat you've been checking out. This lunation is your cue to bolster your wellbeing as you prepare to step into your best life and prepare for the changes ahead. Above all, prioritise self-care and see any time off as an investment in your future. 

POWER DAY Wednesday.


Thursday’s new Moon is playing matchmaker, introducing you to a person who's like a warm cup of tea on a chilly day – soothing and grounding. Be open to meeting someone who exudes authenticity and wisdom beyond their years – they could become your new partner-in-crime. Now, about your existing friendships… it's time to put on your serious face, which isn't your favourite look. But think of your mental and emotional health, Pisces. Figure out who's lifting you up, and who's an energy vampire, and lean into your intuition – it knows what to do. 

POWER DAY Tuesday.

Natasha is the host of Astrology Coach podcast for iHeartRadio and horoscope columnist for Mamamia. She has guest featured on radio and TV shows, Studio 10, Today Extra and Sunrise Morning Show. In 2020, Natasha received the prestigious AAAC award for her contribution to astrological research. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, and her work has appeared in many prestigious publications. Natasha's hot astro tip is to read your horoscope for your Sun and Ascendant signs to get the most accurate prediction. You can find her website here, her Instagram here and her TikTok here.

Feature Image: Mamamia.