
HOROSCOPES: You'll ignite your deepest passions this week, Aquarius.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning January 21. For more from Natasha, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

Take a moment to think about who you're spending your time and energy with. As you strive to become your best self, Pluto considers whether the people in your inner circle are aligned with your goals. Remember, it's not about everyone being the same. It's about whether they uplift you or hold you back. If someone is chipping away at your confidence or hindering your growth, they might not fit into the future you're building. Similarly, in your professional network, you're looking for connections that align with your vision or help you climb the ladder of success. It's a time for strategic thinking about relationships, focusing on those who support your journey upward and onward. 

POWER DAY Tuesday.

On Sunday, as Pluto enters your vocational sector, you're entering a profoundly transformative phase where you'll start questioning your life's direction, goals and purpose. This is your cue to discover what truly ignites your passion, to find your calling. Great achievements often begin with introspection and reassessment. So, embrace your inner strength and step into your authority, Taurus. Meanwhile, be mindful of your reputation. Act with the highest morals and values, as influential eyes may be watching. This period isn't just about career advancement; it's about aligning your professional path with your deepest values and aspirations.

POWER DAY Saturday.

Watch: Horoscopes in the bedroom. Story continues after video. 

Venus highlights a promising investment or a joint passion project. This could involve teaming up with someone and opening doors to a golden collaboration. Right now, two heads are better than one, pooling wisdom for greater impact. Partnering, especially with a woman, will amplify the divine feminine energy in your favour. You're poised to gain valuable insights from others during this time. However, while collaboration is key, stand your ground and don't let anyone overpower your voice or ideas. It's about mutual respect and learning, not being overshadowed or bullied.

POWER DAY Saturday.

Venus sweetens your relationship zone this week. If you're taken, savour the small joys. You don't need to splash your cash to celebrate love, either. Enjoy a cosy movie night, cook your favourite comfort food, or indulge in a mutual massage. If you're dating, consider opening up about a deep secret or an inner fear. Being vulnerable can strengthen intimacy and closeness. And if love isn't on the cards right now, this is a significant period to collaborate professionally. You’ll succeed in partnerships that blend skills, ideas and, most of all, shared passions. 


Pluto's shift into your relationship sector, combined with a full moon in your sign, marks a massive week for you, Leo. Scrutinise your relationships, both romantic and professional. For those in strained partnerships, this period brings challenges to the surface. But remember, Pluto's influence ultimately serves your best interests. If a relationship is meant to last, it will endure. For those in happy relationships, this is a transformative time that manifests your shared vision for the future. If you're single, you'll be drawn to a completely different type of person, reflecting your growth and evolving approach to love and commitment. 


Your wellness journey intensifies when Pluto shifts into your health sector on Sunday. You, more than any other sign, understand the importance of health, but Pluto is taking it to a new level. Focus on being your best, but pace yourself. Pluto will be around for a while, allowing you to better appreciate your body and its needs. Reassess your diet and fitness routine, aiming for consistency rather than perfection. Remember, what works for others may not work for you. Find a routine that fits your lifestyle and stick to it. If you stray, don't be hard on yourself. Getting back on track is part of the process. 

POWER DAY Saturday.

Pluto's shift into your artistic sector is a cue to reignite your creativity. If you've hit a creative block or set aside a project, now's the time to dive back in. Pluto inspires you to explore the depths of your imagination, which may demand self-reflection and confronting your innermost thoughts and feelings. Don’t shy away from expressing your true, unfiltered self in your art or any venture that requires ‘out of the box’ thinking. Authenticity resonates, and others will value the honesty in your work. Ask yourself, what ignites your passion? What moves you? Use these insights as fuel for your creativity. 

POWER DAY Tuesday.

With Pluto, your modern ruler, moving into your home and family sector on Sunday, your attention turns to what and who matters most. This shift, unfolding over several years, is more than just bricks and mortar, and it's not about family squabbles. It's a journey towards understanding what your favourite people and heritage really mean to you. Pluto also invites you to reflect on your past to address an emotional wound or trauma. Take this journey slowly, allowing yourself the space and compassion to heal and grow.


As Pluto embarks on its once-in-a-lifetime journey through your communication sector, it's time to recognise the impact of your words, Sagittarius. Your voice has the power to influence, whether it's within your immediate circle or a wider audience. So, think about what you want to say. Your words have the potential to shape others' thoughts and beliefs. Pursuing fame and fortune for their own sake might lead to fleeting attention. However, if you speak from a place of integrity, passionately sharing what you genuinely believe in and feel called to express, your impact will be profound and lasting. Success lies in being true to your message and authentic in your delivery. 

POWER DAY Saturday.

As Pluto exits your sign on Sunday, it signifies the culmination of a profound journey that's largely been about your inner growth and personal transformation. This shift impacts every facet of your life, especially for Goats born between December 12 and 22. Reflect on what's coming to a close. Is it a relationship, a career path, or perhaps a mindset that no longer fits who you are? For some, this may mean a period of grieving. Although, you'll have one final opportunity to tie up loose ends from September through to November. The silver lining? You're preparing to look ahead, moving towards brighter, more fulfilling experiences. 

POWER DAY Tuesday.

Starting Sunday, Pluto embarks on a rare journey through your sign, marking a transformative two decades ahead (except for a brief period in September, October and November this year.) This pivotal era is about igniting your deepest passions and uncovering your purpose. You'll be navigating a path to find your true north, a journey that might be challenging at times, but in hindsight, it's an invaluable phase you wouldn't exchange for anything. Not everyone gets to experience Pluto's profound influence in their lifetime. Embrace this unique celestial privilege. It promises to shape you into the mover and shaker you're destined to be. 


On Friday, the full moon spotlights a health goal. It's time to reconsider habits or addictions, Pisces, and reclaim control over what you allow into your body. Remember, your body is your sanctuary, and what you put into it is what you’ll get out. Consider investing in your wellbeing, perhaps through a retreat or a wellness course that gives you the knowledge to make informed choices. Then, on Sunday, Pluto shifts into your reflection zone, heralding a deepening of spiritual awareness. As one of the more spiritually attuned signs, this is your chance to deep dive into your metaphysical journey. Whether you've been considering a yoga workshop or a crystal course, Pluto's movement signals it's the right time. 


Natasha is the host of Astrology Coach podcast for iHeartRadio and horoscope columnist for Mamamia. She has guest featured on radio and TV shows, Studio 10, Today Extra and Sunrise Morning Show. In 2020, Natasha received the prestigious AAAC award for her contribution to astrological research. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, and her work has appeared in many prestigious publications. Natasha's hot astro tip is to read your horoscope for your Sun and Ascendant signs to get the most accurate prediction. You can find her website here, her Instagram here and her TikTok here.

Feature image: Mamamia.

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