
Pig intestine condoms and 7 other horrifying contraceptives

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After a long hard week at the office it’s time for a little sexy time with your significant other. Finally. You close the curtains, pour some wine, put on some seriously smooth tunes (Barry White anybody?) and reach for… your weasel testicles contraceptive. Um, what? Yep, you read that right.

Over the last few centuries a whole lot of downright crazy (and completely non-functional) methods have been used to ward off pregnancy. A new video by EngenderHealth outlines some of these frankly terrifying forms of birth control.

If you don’t have time to watch it now, we’ve captured them for you in a gallery.

History's worst contraceptives

These may be crazy, but what’s even crazier are the 220 million women globally who still don’t have access to contraceptives. To find out what you can do to help, click here.

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