
Welcome to the alternative universe where Hillary won the election.

It’s almost a month into Clinton’s presidency and she’s already named the US a ‘sanctuary nation’ and signed an executive order mandating gender-neutral bathrooms in public schools.

Meanwhile, Trump has renounced his US citizenship and moved to Russia.

Welcome to the alternative universe where Hillary won the election.

Thanks to the creative mind behind hillarybeattrump.org there's now a little oasis on the internet that you can visit whenever you need a detox from this post-Trump world.

The satirical news website is producing articles that demonstrate what 2017 would look like if Hillary had won the election and it's glorious.

Since her inauguration President Clinton has pursued sweeping Wall Street reforms. Denzel Washington won the Oscar for Best Actor and Casey Affleck entered rehab for sexual harassment. Shonda Rhimes is writing Clinton's State of the Union Address. And Milo Yiannopoulos is working as a barista at Starbucks.

The site's founder, a 30-year-old writer based on the East Coast of America, has chosen to remain anonymous fearing that she could become a target of conservatives in real life.

She told The Washington Post that her critics are partly right, the site is meant to serve as a little refuge from reality for liberals everywhere.

But mostly, she said, it’s a chance to troll the opposition whose party actually won the presidency.

“I wanted it to be a joyful middle finger,” she told the Post. “I didn’t want to wallow or argue with people who can’t be argued with. There’s something about humour as confrontation that I instinctively thought would work — like a good right jab that I could keep using.”

LISTEN: Three Nasty Women on Mamamia Out Loud. (Post continues...)

And it's worked. Breitbart, Fox News, Yiannopoulos and the Daily Caller have already called the site "fakes news" and a place for liberals to seek "refuge from reality".

And the trolls, of course, have come out in force on social media.

But the LOVE for Hillary Beat Trump far outweighs the negative.

So when you feel like you need to give the world a joyful middle finger, make yourself a cuppa and head over to Hillary Beat Trump.

We'll meet you there.

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Top Comments

Les Grossman 8 years ago

Some pretty cutting and clever articles on the site. It's not harming anyone and besides, First Amendment cuts both ways.

Indigo soul 8 years ago

Really the left need to just get over it and stop with this nonsense. Did the republicans kick up a stink when Obama won eight years ago? No, they accepted it and got on with their lives. I suggest the left do the same. If not, move to North Korea if you don't like democracy.

shan 8 years ago

"Did the Republicans kick up a stink when Obama won eight years ago? No, they accepted it and got on with their lives."

Lol, are you serious? Someone's got a VERY short memory!

Kate 8 years ago

Are you for real??!! The Republicans accepted Obama as POTUS and got on with their lives??!...
What universe have you been living in for the past 8 years?...Clearly not the one where Obama had to battle against the Republican held congress obstructing and opposing EVERYTHING he attempted to do! Right-wingers must have their memories altered at the same time they have their empathy by-pass.

Guest 8 years ago

From my memory they weren't smashing up Starbucks and looting private businesses.

Jebaru 8 years ago

Really the right need to just get over telling the left to just get over it. You've got what you wanted. Celebrate! Your president is a great, great man. Exceptional human being. He's implementing all the things you most desired. I get it. Enjoy!