
'It adds unnecessary pressure.' 6 things your GP wishes you'd stop doing.

No one knows you or your health better than your regular GP

They've seen it all. From the reoccurring UTI that just doesn't seem to quit, to the time you showed up to their office panicked because you thought you were dying. (You weren't. You just hadn't had a glass of water in two days.)

Watch: What Is Self-care Mental Health Literacy? Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia.

Our GPs are usually the first point of contact whenever the s**t hits the fan health-wise. But sometimes we forget that they're human too — and just like people in every profession, they have a list of pet peeves with their patients.

I reached out to GP Dr Shiromi Wimalaguna who, as well as providing the highest level of care to her patients, is the founder and CEO of The Cloud GP, an online mental health program that helps patients overcome depression and anxiety. I asked her to tell me all the things she wished patients would stop doing, and considering she's been practicing for 15 years now, she's seen it all. And I won't lie... I think I've done a few of them. Sorry, doc!

So, without further ado, here is everything your GP wants you to know.

1. If you're a business, review your medical certificate policy.

"It's really important for workplaces to trust that when someone is clearly unwell, they don't always need a medical certificate to prove it. It can often add unnecessary pressure on the employee and the healthcare system."


2. Be realistic about what can be achieved in one appointment.

"We love helping our patients but sometimes they come in with a long list of medical issues, expecting to address them all in a single 15-minute appointment. We aim to be thorough and comprehensive, which might mean triaging and addressing concerns over a few appointments."

3. Specialists are important, but sometimes a GP is all you need.

"We often see patients wanting referrals to specialists without giving us a chance to address their concerns first. Many issues can be effectively managed by your GP with the right treatment and advice."

4. Your appointment is for you. Not for your entire family.

"Trying to squeeze in an appointment for a family member during your consultation can compromise the quality of care for both parties. It's best to schedule separate appointments so we can give each patient the attention they deserve."

5. If it's an emergency, go straight to the hospital.

"Coming in for issues that require immediate hospital attention (like chest pain or other serious symptoms) because you want to avoid the emergency department can be dangerous. We do call ambulances from our consulting rooms for such cases, and this can delay crucial treatment."

6. Sometimes your GP may be running late. Try to be understanding.

"I tend not to run late, and my patients are usually seen on time. However, when emergencies arise, such as an ectopic pregnancy or a patient disclosing for the first time they are experiencing suicidal thoughts, I truly appreciate patients who bring a good book and show understanding during these delays."

If you want to learn more about The Cloud GP and Dr Shiromi Wimalaguna, visit the website here.

Feature Image: Supplied.

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