
"Why do you post... everything?" I asked my 'elders' what they don't understand about Gen Z.

Gen Z.  

Apparently, we're a strange bunch.

More than once I've found myself going about my typical Zoomer business, TikTokking and the like, when it hits me. 

Me and my elders aren't particularly "on the same page."

Side note: Check out Mamamia's fashion crimes - festival chaps edition. Post continues below.

Like when my grandma needed me to explain to her what "doing me a solid" would consist of (it means doing a favour, besties.)

Or when a coworker mentioned in passing that "I forget people were born after 2000," and I had to bite my tongue as a (I'm cringing just typing it)... 2001 baby.

So, to make life easier for us all (Nan, this one is for you!) I decided to answer all your Gen Z FAQ's in one place.

Now, you too can understand our ~culture~. 

Why do you post... everything?

Oh, don't pretend like you don't love it.

There's a whole list of reasons we post everything on social media, the main one being: we're addicted to the attention.

There, I said it.

Gen Z were literally raised by technology, and the addictive nature of social media while growing up an insecure teen is a deadly combo for over sharing. 

I mean, did you even watch that doco that went wild back in 2020: The Social Dilemma?

Zoomers who don't post everything on social media deserve a medal for the restraint they're exercising. 


Simple answer: No.

Yes, we'll break out into a TikTok dance literally anywhere. 

We might even post about our favourite sex toys here and there, too.

I think it's fair to say most people go through a cringeworthy stage in their young years where they lack all self-awareness, and it just so happens that the eldest member of Gen Z right now is a mere 25 years old.

So can you really blame us?

Age aside, I think Gen Z have also let go of 'shame' (as much as anyone can) as a concept. 

Gen Z culture is the perfect combo of 'undone' and woke. So we know shame is very often placed on young women for our sexuality and our boldness and have said f**k it to that.

You should listen to Mamamia's podcast for Gen Z, The Undone. Post continues below.

Are you speaking another language?

Sort of.

There's a lot of Gen Z terminology you really only learn from trawling TikTok so to give you a quick recap:

Cheugy: you know this one, come on.

The ✨sparkle✨ emoji: Used to put emphasis on a word, often ironically or to add some ✨sparkle✨ to something that might not be so good. E.g. "I am ✨chronically tired✨".

👁👄👁: Use this sweet emoji combo when you're truly lost for words. Often found in the comment section of obscure TikToks or a wild conspiracy theory post.

No cap: AKA I am not lying. Can be substituted with the 🧢 emoji if you prefer. E.g. "My boyfriend broke up with me. No cap."

Bestie: Everyone. Everyone is Gen Z's "bestie" and it's often used to soften the blow when you're telling someone something that don't want to hear. E.g. "Bestie, I hate to tell you this but your shirt is inside out."

Dead: If something's really funny, "I'm dead". Deceased. 💀. All synonyms.

Iykyk: If you know you know. 🤷

"Ice in my veins": I found myself really struggling to describe this one to my colleagues because it's fairly open to interpretation. In short, Gen Z will use two fingers to point to the veins at the inside of their elbow to indicate "truth".

It's like a symbol for "no cap". But in case you're still confused, watch this TikTok I made for a better explanation:

Yeah, it might be a lil ugly. 

What are you gonna do about it?

Photo Dumps. Explain.

My boss asked me "why it's cool now to post a sequence of pics that's like, your left nostril, a chic flower arrangement, and a close-up of your wine glass."

Okay Millennials. Surely you had some sort of MySpace equivalent?

'Photo dumps' are how hip zoomers really make Instagram their own. Often utilised after a busy weekend, Gen Z will drop a bunch of obscure photos in an Instagram carousel. Like:

It's cool because it's so unhinged.

See also: why we type in all lowercase.

My fellow Gen Z bestie, Charlie Begg wrote a fantastic piece about the other ways Gen Z use Instagram, so if you're really trying to blend in, you should check it out over here.

Do you have any other questions for Gen Z? Let me know in the comments below (or you can slide into my DMs @emma.gillman, I'm an avid Instagram user if ya didn't notice!)

Feature Image: Supplied.

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Top Comments

kandykat1777 3 years ago 1 upvotes
Thank you for validating Gen Z's constant need for attention. I find it creepy to some extent that people are so open about sharing their lives with the entire world, or at least fabricating a lovely Instagram life, for the sake of being "LIKED". Can't anyone simply enjoy life for a minute without having to photograph or make a video out of it? Why is it so difficult for this generation to "LIKE" themselves, and their own life independently of what other people think? Personally, the most troubling thing about having a camera 100% of the time, is people aren't using good judgment on when and what is appropriate to photograph or record on video. If you see another person or an animal in distress, it's NOT the time to stand there and selfishly use their suffering for your entertainment. Put the phone down, unless you're calling 911, and be a good Samaritan. It's very cruel and emotionless to stand there, thinking about Instagram posts, while someone is suffering before your eyes IN REAL LIFE.

laura__palmer 3 years ago
@kandykat1777 They've grown up with it. It's their reality. They were handed the tools to be able to get constant attention by the older generations and they ran with it. 
Also, standing there and filming without helping is not something restricted to Gen Z. I've stepped in and helped in situations where people of all ages are just standing around and filming instead of lending a hand. 
Richard Pusey is 41 and he stood there and filmed those police officers he had hit. 
cat 3 years ago
@kandykat1777 the video of George Floyd dying changed the world. Should everyone there have put away their phones? 

"Why is it so difficult for this generation to "LIKE" themselves, and their own life independently of what other people think?"
This generation are doing way better at that than any before them. They do a remarkable job of embracing individuality & diversity, and the way they use social media is to reflect their real lives rather than to present a polished 'brand'. It's not creepy to communicate via the technology of the day, unless you think it was creepy when people started using landlines to call each other. 

But if it is hard to 'like themselves' perhaps thats because a) they're teenagers and b) people like you are criticising them. 
cat 3 years ago
@laura__palmer remember when there were entire TV shows that were just clips of people in pain caught on home videos? Definitely not something Gen Z invented. 

mamamia-user-482898552 3 years ago 6 upvotes
We have so much second-hand embarrassment for you right now.

Regards, Gen X
rush 3 years ago 3 upvotes
@mamamia-user-482898552 I have never been so grateful that the internet didn't exist when I was a teenager, thank God I went through my cringe years in relative privacy! 
ak87 3 years ago 2 upvotes
@rush saaaame! I’m young enough that Facebook came out in my early 20’s but old enough that to take the photos someone had to take a digital camera out and to upload photos we had to physically attach a digital camera to a computer to upload photos to it, I didn’t own a phone that had internet until my eldest son was born.. so glad I’m classed as ‘old’ now!
laura__palmer 3 years ago 1 upvotes
@mamamia-user-482898552 Gen x created these kids. They gave them the tools to act like this. Don't blame them, blame yourself.
cat 3 years ago 1 upvotes
@laura__palmer don't blame them at all! They're doing fine, "second hand embarrassment" is other peoples problem. It's not embarrassing to do what is normal for your generation, though sadly it is normal for the older generations to shit on you for no reason.