
Just a list of cheat codes that will make your life easier.

We're still (unfortunately) very much in the mid-year slump. I honestly think it starts from June and ends some time in December, if we're lucky enough to be holidaying somewhere glamourous.

I know that we're all collectively struggling to cross that finish line because my social feeds are filled with wellness hacks, cheat codes and lessons that promise to make life a little bit easier. Not only that, but my Reddit feed is filled with requests for such things.

It's clear that we just need a little easy something that will make our days a bit brighter, so I thought I'd pull together a list of the cheat codes people swear by to make life easier.

Starting off with a Reddit thread where someone asked for everyone's real life cheat codes… These responses were tried and tested, and we definitely recommend you give them a go.

"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."

"Being polite increases your odds of getting what you want."

Watch: Horoscopes & Self Care. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia.

"Someone yesterday mentioned how you can scroll through your text by holding the spacebar on iPhone and my life has already improved because of it."

"Personal finance is probably the biggest one. Understanding credit cards, savings rates, investing, debt, etc, will save you so much time and money in the long run. What you decide to do with your money could be the difference between retiring early and having decades of freedom, or working until you die."

"The word 'no' is a complete sentence. It is the most powerful cheat code."

"Cooking — your life will be better, and it's a great way to impress friends or a date."

Listen to the Mamamia Out Loud hosts talk all things cheat codes. Post continues below.

Of course, we had to also ask our Mamamia community for their life cheat codes, because since this post went viral, we can't stop talking about it. Here's what some of them said:

"I try to do the hardest thing first (known as 'eat the frog'). If I don't, I can procrastinate for ages and put off doing the hard thing and it becomes even worse."

"Don't put the email address of the person you're emailing until you've written and checked the entire body of the email. It saves any un-edited emails being sent accidentally."

"Always admit if you've made a mistake and always admit it if you're wrong. That way you will reflect on your behaviour and your role in something, and it makes you look at the other side of things."


"Take five deep breaths when you're feeling overwhelmed. It helps me process what is happening and stops me from overreacting."

"When I'm talking to someone new, I try to remember one personal fact about them if I know that I'm going to see them again. It lets them know that I remember them and listened to what they said, and makes them more trusting of me."

"If I have to make a really big decision or answer an important question, I always sleep on it and get back to it the next day. I always thought that I had to answer things straightaway, but taking a day gives me so much more clarity."

"My friend always looks/dresses 'smart' at the airport and she thinks that's the key to getting upgraded."

"Just add water. If you have a tough decision to make or you're feeling ill or angry, drink water or have a shower or look out at the ocean (if you can). It always calms me down and it always works."

"Every night, when having my in-bed-scrolly-time, I search the day's date in my camera roll and delete any photos/screenshots I no longer want or need. It takes two minutes and helps combat storage problems."

Do you have a cheat code that makes life easier? Tell us in the comments!

If you want more from Emily Vernem, you can follow her on Instagram @emilyvernem.

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Feature image: Canva.