
Drew Barrymore on the moment she knew she had to get a divorce.


Drew Barrymore, 41, has spoken about the “really hard time” she had in the months before she initiated divorce proceedings from Will Kopelman.

In her first interview since she confirmed the divorce on Saturday, Barrymore told PopSugar that things began to get difficult when she realised she wanted her life to go in a different direction.

The mother of Olive, nearly two, and Frankie, three, was being interviewed by the website about her new Barrymore Wines Rosé (yes, she has a wine business) when she veered into more uncertain territory.

“I had a really hard time a couple of months ago and kind of knew life was heading in a new direction,” she told PopSugar.

“I called someone that I really trust, respect, and believe in, because he has always been the conductor of grace. I said, ‘What’s your advice?’ And he said, ‘You put one foot in front of the other’. I hung up the phone and I thought, ‘That is why I call this person’.”

Kopelman and Barrymore announced their divorce in a statement on Saturday.

"Divorce might make one feel like a failure, but eventually you start to find grace in the idea that life goes on. Our children are our universe, and we look forward to living the rest of our lives with them as the first priority."

Barrymore told the website her daughters are her sole purpose for being now.

"The only thing I care about, my life's mission and the only thing that matters as of now is that my daughters know what our lives were like, how we lived, and how much I love them," she said. "For them to know that they were not just loved, but, like, ridiculously, utterly, life-alteringly loved. That's the only reason I'm here now!"

She really meant that, too -- check out her new post-relationship tattoo.

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Top Comments

Caroline 8 years ago

''You put one foot in front of the other''. Yes. That's how walking works... that's not actually advice, that's a cliché. It is true, we can go only one step at a time, but I wouldn't have seen it as an immediate indication that I must divorce the man I swore and shouted from the rooftops that I was insanely happy with and had two babies in 3 years with. So that's now 3 failed marriages and the common denominator is...

Sarah 8 years ago

Exactly this. This is exactly my MIL. She has been married 3 times (each time she left her partner for a different man). She also happily plays the other woman with men who are married and is currently dating two men at the same time. All because she changes her mind constantly about what direction she wants to take in life. Yet it was my husband who suffered. He had to keep moving house as a child. He has to put up with questions/remarks from family and acquaintances and now she is completely financially and emotionally dependent on us because she squandered away so much money in her divorces. Yet if you ask her, everyone else has a problem but not her. She thinks she's a great person who constantly states that her son is her life and she sacrificed everything for him but actually he has just always been collateral in her mess of a life.

jodez 8 years ago

I got the same tattoo 5 years ago (obviously with my kids' names) after my relationship breakdown. For me it was as much about keeping my kids close when they weren't with me (I really didn't cope with them being with their father for any length of time), as it was to show them that they are loved especially in times they didn't feel that way. It's an everyday reminder of the good in my life.