
Doctor couple found murdered in luxury home with message written on the walls in blood.

Members of the Boston medical community have been left in shock after two of their colleagues – who were engaged – were found brutally murdered in their luxury penthouse apartment on Friday night.

Dr Richard Field, 49, and his fiancé Dr Lina Bolanos, 38, were found dead in their 11th floor apartment in South Boston at around 8:45pm on Friday.

Police officials told the Boston Globe the couple’s hands had been tied and their throats slit.

One of the officials said the couple’s murderer had written a message of retribution in blood on the wall of the luxury apartment, and photographs of the two doctors had been cut up and destroyed.

In his final moments, Dr Field had managed to sent a text to a friend urging for help, but when police arrived, it was already too late.

Police said when they arrived at the apartment, 30-year-old Bampumim Teixeira opened fire on them. He was hit, but not killed, by police and was taken to hospital for treatment.

Investigators are still determining a motive for the couple's murder; it's believed Teixeira was known to the pair, but police have not confirmed how.

Teixeira had just finished serving a nine-month sentence for robbing two banks. Multiple charges are expected to be filed against the 30-year-old suspect.

Boston Police Commissioner William Evans described the horrific murder as "very troubling".

"These are two well-respected people killed in their penthouse apartment," he said.

A friend of the couple told PEOPLE Magazine that "everyone is grieving" the loss of the pair.

"It's just so's just the worst thing ever," Heather Brantley said.

The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, where Dr Bolanos worked, released a statement in the wake of the tragedy.

"The entire Mass. Eye and Ear community is deeply saddened by the deaths of Dr Lina Bolanos and her fiancé," said President & CEO John Fernandez.

"Dr Bolanos was an outstanding pediatric anesthesiologist and a wonderful colleague in the prime of both her career and life. We will do all we can to support their families and our staff members who are processing this senseless tragedy and grieving an enormous loss."

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