
21 years ago today, Australians were inconsolable.

On October 15, 2003, a collective gasp was heard in living rooms all across Australia. Tears were shed and condolences exchanged, as the nation said goodbye to one of its most iconic women. 

The unexpected tragedy came as a terrible shock to us all, and even more devastatingly, saw the orphaning of a beautiful baby girl, the loss of a lover, and the eternal separation of two beloved sisters. Things would never be the same again. 

We are, of course, talking about the death of Claire McLeod on McLeod's Daughters. A loss so great, it seems, we are still healing as a TV loving community. 

Claire and Tess McLeod. Image: Nine

Back in the early 2000s, McLeod's Daughters was the Aussie TV drama on everyone's screens. A story of two estranged sisters, Claire and Tess, forced back together after 20 years apart when their father died and they inherited their family's cattle station in South Australia. It's dramatic. It's heartfelt. It's pure television gold. 

The nation immediately took to this deep family drama and let's just say the characters became more than just fictional, they became a part of everyone's lives. 

For those who might have been too young to experience this in real-time, here's what happened on that fateful day. 

After three seasons of turmoil and relationship building between the two headstrong sisters, we finally saw them in a great place. Claire had given birth to her daughter Charlotte (which, if you needed another punch in the gut, was Tess' middle name). Claire and Alex had finally professed their love for one another. Things couldn't have been better. 

On their way into town to buy some supplies for a party, Claire and Tess were singing in the car and joking around, with baby Charlotte strapped in the back. All was well, and then, out of nowhere, a horse bolted across the road, causing Claire to swerve ever so slightly. But it's okay, Claire regained composure and let out a sigh of relief.

"That was close," she said, and we all felt fine.

But of course, things are never so simple, are they? Claire then drove over a pothole, which launched the car forward, hurtling towards the side of a cliff, where it got stuck… hanging over the edge. The girls' shrill screams halted and there was just silence as the car tilted, threatening to tip over the edge at any moment. 

Crushing the hopeful wish that the three of them would escape unharmed, Claire suddenly realised her leg was stuck under the steering column, crying out in pain as she tries to pull it out. In that moment, the audience knew as well as Claire did… she was not going anywhere. 

At Claire's request, Tess pulled herself out of the car and in a sigh of relief for us all, was able to get baby Charlotte free as well. Tess lay baby Charlotte down, and frantically searched for a way to save Claire.

Watch the opening of McLeod's Daughters Season 1. Article continues after video. 

In the scene's most heartbreaking moment, Tess tried to use a rope to tie the car to a tree, but alas, it does not reach.

Through a wave of tears, Claire delivered her final words of the show, "Look after Charlotte," before pushing her sister out of the way. Peak emotional damage.

The car fell forward, sending Claire to her death and all of Australia into intense grief. For the next twenty years, it seems.

Even the show's stars, Bridie Carter, who played Tess, and Lisa Chappell, who played Claire, understood the emotional gravitas of the scene and its impact even today. 

Tess and Claire McLeod. Image: Nine

In December 2020, Bridie and Lisa spoke to Woman's Day and shared how emotional the filming was.

"The moment Tess thinks she can save Claire, then the rope doesn't reach… The moment where they look at each other and they know they're saying goodbye… I can now cry about it," she said.

"I was not only Tess losing Claire, I was Bridie losing Lisa. I was losing my on-screen sister, this incredible character, but I was also losing my castmate who I'd been with through thick and thin with."

"I loved that Claire died a hero, making sure she got her baby out," Lisa added. 

And a hero she will remain, in our hearts forever.

Feature image: Nine. 

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