
Charlotte Dujardin has 6 Olympic medals. A disturbing video has forced her to withdraw from Paris.

The Paris Olympic Games are mere days away — and one of the UK's biggest sporting stars has had to withdraw from the event under scrutiny.

Charlotte Dujardin is an elite British dressage rider who holds all three World Records in the sport of dressage (aka a form of skilled horse riding). She's no stranger to the Olympic stage too, having won two bronze, one silver and three gold medals during her career.

But this time around, she isn't competing — she's had to stand down because of a disturbing video.

The video shows her "engaging in conduct contrary to the principles of horse welfare," according to the sport's governing body. It's been reported that the video shows her whipping a horse 24 times. 

Watch: the world reacts to Charlotte Dujardin withdrawing from the Olympics. Post continues below.

The video was made four years ago, when Dujardin was coaching a young female rider in a private stable. Stephan Wensing, a lawyer representing the 19-year-old girl who filed the complaint against Dujardin, said the incident took place when Dujardin was telling the student to "lift up the legs of the horse". 

The video was sent to the International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI) by the Dutch lawyer representing the undisclosed complainant.

Wensing told The Telegraph: "She took the long whip and she was beating the horse more than 24 times in one minute, and really hard, really harsh, really tough. It was like an elephant in the circus."

The lawyer added: "At that time, my client was thinking this must be normal. 'She is an Olympic winner. Who am I to doubt?' My client asked around and was warned against speaking out in the UK. But last year my client saw others suspended in the UK and elsewhere."

"She eventually made a decision to let me admit the complaint to the FEI who took this immediately very seriously."

On Wednesday, the Olympian released a statement regarding the matter, saying the video does show her "making an error of judgement during a coaching session".

"What happened was completely out of character and does not reflect how I train my horses or coach my pupils, however there is no excuse," she wrote.

"I am deeply ashamed and should have set a better example in that moment. I am sincerely sorry for my actions and devastated that I have let everyone down, including Team GB, fans and sponsors."

Since the video's release, FEI is investigating.

The FEI said Dujardin has confirmed she was the individual shown in the video.

Dujardin said it was she who made the decision to withdraw from all competitions — including the Paris Olympics — while the investigation takes place. She has also been provisionally suspended for six months by FEI.

The 39-year-old finished her statement by saying she is fully cooperating with authorities amid their investigation.

In a statement the sport's governing body said: "The FEI condemns any conduct contrary to the welfare of horses and has robust rules in place to address such behaviour. Our commitment to ensuring the highest standards of equine welfare and sportsmanship remains unwavering."

The FEI's President Ingmar De Vos added: "We are deeply disappointed with this case. However, it is our responsibility and crucial that we address any instances of abuse, as equine welfare cannot be compromised. Charlotte has expressed genuine remorse for her actions, and we recognise and appreciate her willingness to take responsibility."

Feature Image: Getty.

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jackiebeckinsale 2 months ago 2 upvotes
Error of judgement… mmmm looks like uncontrolled rage on an innocent animal