
Why we're not celebrating Father's Day this year.

There’s not much to get excited about this Sunday in our house.

Father’s Day is going to pass by quietly for us this year. None of us are in the mood to celebrate it for a number of reasons, none of which we are happy about. But it’s the reality of our lives at the moment.

And I know for a fact that we’re not the only ones feeling like this.

Some families are going through separations and divorces. Some families have lost their fathers to illness and tragedy.

Normally, days like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are okay. We do our best to celebrate them earnestly and make sure the kids enjoy them. But sometimes, they just make things worse.

What happens if we're just not in the mood?

Here are the reasons why we're not celebrating this year:

1. My husband works on Sunday, from 4am - 7pm.

Lots of parents work weekends. It's a reality of modern life. My children get a bit sad that their dad works every Sunday because they miss him, plus he works long hours during the week. I explain to them that they are so lucky because their dad loves them so much that he is happy to work super-long hours to make sure they are looked after.

But as a result we don't get to celebrate it properly. On Saturday night he has to go to bed early for work. On Sunday night he is so exhausted he's not up for much. The kids will give him the gifts they made and bought at school and that will be it.

2. My dad is in hospital.

My dad has been unwell for a couple of months. He's in hospital and we were praying he'd be home in time for Father's Day but his recovery is talking a little longer than first thought. We talked about bringing a celebration to him but he's not in the mood and neither are we.

We are focused on his recovery and would prefer to celebrate his return home, whenever that is.

3. My husband's older children are a little distant.

My husband's children from his first family don't live nearby. One is overseas and the other over an hour away. Getting together is hard enough but with my husband working all day Sunday, it is virtually impossible. Our Skype times don't sync up and text messages will have to suffice.

We'll get together as soon as well can, with no pressure.

So we'll just do our thing on Sunday. We don't love each other any less. We don't value each other any less.

Not just today, but every day, I want the dads in my life to know:

My husband is an incredible father and every day his children shower him in love and hugs and kisses.

I tell him daily how much I appreciate how well he takes care of us;

My dad knows how much his children love him. Four grown children couldn't love their father more;

My family is happy enough and secure enough to hit the pause button on our Father's Day celebration, or not celebrate it at all.

How are you celebrating Father's Day? 

Like this? Then try:

Why Father's Day breaks my heart.

If this is your partner's first Father's Day, we have a few ideas for you.

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