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Bachelor's Cass Wood on the conversations we aren't seeing between her and Nick Cummins.

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Every year there’s a poor soul on The Bachelor who falls prey to the editing process and inevitably becomes a caricature.

This year’s victim is Cassandra Wood, or the love-sick 23-year-old we have all been at one time or another. Having previously dated the 2018 Bachelor – AKA Nick ‘The Honey Badger’ Cummins – the accounting student has stitched her heart firmly onto her sleeve, only to be rebuffed multiple times.

Meanwhile, viewers watch and collectively scream at the TV: “He’s just not that into you,” as Twitter fills up with jokes made at her expense.

However, Cass says all is not as it seems, and The Bachelor editors have a bit of explaining to do.

"Nick and I have unfinished business," she explains to TV Week, and says while it might seem like their relationship is only one-sided, this isn't the case in reality.

"So far, all we've seen is me being very into Nick. A lot of the conversations between Nick and I haven't yet been shown," she says, referring to that cringe-inducing scene where she reads him her diary.

The accounting student says there have been many conversations between her and the Honey Badger which audiences haven't been privy to, and she decided to reveal the full extent of her feelings based on those chats.

"I needed him to know where I'm at and I only did that because I felt like he'd given me the green light to go ahead," she says.

"I wouldn't have done it if I didn't feel like he'd be comfortable."

Recently, Cass also spoke about biased editing in an interview with The Daily Telegraph and says she now finds the show "hard to watch".

“It is not a true portrayal of me and what people are saying that I am a stage five clinger and a stalker. It is nasty and untrue,” she says.

“I didn’t know I would be featured this much. The first episode was pretty hard to watch because they only show certain things."

For all you Bachelor fans, take a language lesson with The Honey Badger, we're like 70 per cent proficient.

However, unlike her on-screen persona might suggest, even if she doesn't prove to be Nick's one and only, she'll be ok.

"I just want Nick to be happy," she tells TV Week.

"I realise you can't force things. If we're meant to be together, we will be. And if not, I'll be fine too."

However, with Nick's family set to visit The Bachelor mansion this Wednesday - who Cass seems to already know - we're sure the drama is set to continue.

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