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The reason why the Honey Badger's seven parting words to Cass were so hurtful.


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Last night’s Bachelor elimination was… tough.

When Nick ‘Honey Badger’ Cummins eliminated Cass Wood, we sighed. We saw it coming, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.

Cass had bared her heart and soul on national TV. She was totally open with her feelings and Nick crushed her.

But there was one moment, just before she hopped in the limo to leave, that turned our sadness into well… anger.

(You can watch the heartbreaking moment below, post continues after video…)

“I hope we can still be friends,” he said.

What. The. Heck.


This guy has just broken the heart of a woman who was infatuated with him.

He’d literally JUST, a few sentences ago, told her she was an amazing woman. But he’s dumping her, so we can guarantee she’s not feeling all that amazing right now.

Throwing the ‘friends’ line in is just so… weak. Especially because no one EVER means that. It’s a way to ease their own guilt about hurting another person.

We know Nick and Cass had a history before The Bachelor, and from her very first entrance on the show it was obvious she still had feelings for him.

So even if Nick did really hope to remain friends, he shouldn’t. It would be cruel of him to expect a friendship with someone who so, SO clearly has feelings for him.

Twitter was also unimpressed with the line and called Nick on for it.

In interviews following last night’s episode, Cass has already admitted that she considers Nick as “the one that got away”.

It’s all still as raw as it was when that rose ceremony was first filmed several months ago.

“I finally felt like I’d found someone that I would be with in the future. It was all working out and he turned around in the rose ceremony and didn’t give me a rose. It really sucks,” the accounting student told The Herald Sun.

She told The Sydney Morning Herald she was “angry, confused and sad” in the weeks after her elimination.

“I was definitely falling for him [at the end] and it was so real for me. I feel like it was more real for me than anyone else. I never really felt the way I felt about him about anyone else. I want to find that but I don’t know if I will.”

That’s heartbreaking stuff. We hope that Cass is able to move on, because she deserves to find someone amazing who truly wants to be with her.

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Top Comments

Janelle Claire Berner 6 years ago

Friends? Is that what they were before in his mind when they hooked up- friends with benefits?

Sandsdownunder 6 years ago

I think it was really exploitative of Channel Ten to include Cassie on the show in the first place. Everyone could see that she was vulnerable and was going to get her heart broken and it's just the sort of exploitation that reality TV thrives on. Poor kid, I hope she can move on quickly and find love from another more private, receptive source.