
Cannes Film Festival

Top Comments

Anonymous 13 years ago

Why do Angelina and Brad look so unhappy all the time?

Lou 13 years ago

Righto, well I've just about had it.

Not sure if anyone else is having ongoing problems with the new mamamia, but as for me, I still get overlapping text, inability to access all comments, slow (read VERY SLOW) downloading of pages and now I'm not able to view the galleries.
I've been having this problem at home and on my work computer... please don't suggest I should change to another browser. Frankly, I shouldn't have to. It shouldn't be this hard.
A whinge I know but it's done me in. Even though I'm now an infrequent visitor I'm afraid I just can't be bothered coming back at all, not if it takes an age just to get into the site. I don't remember ever having this number of problems with previous mamamia upgrades.

Nat (Mamamia) 13 years ago

Hey Lou, sorry to hear that you're having those problems. We are still in the process of bug-squashing and I will let the site developers know that it still isn't working properly for you. Can I ask what browser you're using? Knowing these details makes the problems much easier to fix.