
We ask three Mamamia writers about "having it all". This is what they had to say.


Oh gosh, here we go. This is a real zinger. Can a woman really have it all? Well, it depends on what ‘it’ is and what ‘all’ is. The definitions differ. Many women say ‘it’ is family and career. Some say ‘it’ is family, career and a hot bod. Others say ‘it’ is family, career, a hot bod and a gigantic house. Others are happy with a beach side rental.

A better question is – do we ever get to a point where we have it all and then just go, “well, I’m done then.” Dreams achieved. Maybe instead of wondering if we have it all or if we will ever have it all we should just slow down and enjoy the journey a bit more.

In part six of our eight-part 5 to 9 diaries, we ask the question, “Can a woman really have it all?”

It seems to depend on what ‘it’ is.

Can women really have it all?


Menu® Team, has acknowledged that the modern Australian woman is busier and working longer hours than ever before.

Research shows that the traditional 9 to 5 workday does not exist; instead 5 to 9 is a better reflection of modern women today.

To salute the heroic efforts of women and encourage them to take a moment for themselves, we have re-recorded the classic song, ‘9 to 5’ and created a music video showcasing all the challenges women deal with in their 5 to 9 day.


WATCH the ‘5 to 9 Diaries’ video series here:

– Episode 1

 Episode 2

– Episode 3

– Episode 4

– Episode 5

– Episode 7

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Top Comments

Breanne 10 years ago

I saw an ad to this site on youtube--and I believe that this is sooo important. Feminism is often a subject that is spat on (I guess because it is seen as women>men, when in reality, by definition it is women = men), and I am incredibly happy to see even a short ad on youtube showing support of it.

Rhi 10 years ago

Quentin Bryce said it well..'women can have it all, but not at the same time'. So true, she wasn't GG while raising young kids. Most choices in life are just that, choices...prioritising one thing over another. For me right now it's my two kids, career is on the back burner. No regrets!