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Who we think Nick Cummins was planning on sending home before Brooke walked out.


To keep up to date with The Honey Badger, AKA Nick Cummins, and all the best Bachelor 2018 news, cast and roses, check out our Bachelor hub. It’s a blast.

Last night, in a move that would have been shocking if we hadn’t seen it on Daily Mail two weeks before, Brooke Blurton walked out on The Bachelor.

After Mr Badger was unable to provide any answer whatsoever to the question, “Do you like me or no?” Brooke ultimately made the decision about who would make the final two for him.

“I just need a man who knows what he wants,” she said, to which Mr Badger looked at her, head cocked to the side and slightly cross-eyed, and said, “It’s tough in here…” which was not at all the answer she was looking for.

Along with the rest of the country, Osher included, we are confused.

If we watched this show for its romantic plot points, which we most definitely do not, we would say that Brooke and Nick seemed genuinely into each other. Nick didn’t look at the camera so much and deliver his rehearsed one-liners about being as scared as “a goose in a doona factory”. For Brooke, it was as though he put his palm cards away a lil’ bit and relaxed.

And then he told her he didn’t really have feelings for anyone lol and it’s awkward.

Badger, pls. That’s not something you say out loud.

The question looms, however, who was Mr Badger planning on sending home before Brooke left?

As she told him she was going to leave, Nick said the camera, “I just need more time,” before explaining to her, “I’m not going to stand in your way as much as I want to.”


Then, he specifically said to Brooke as she walked out: “This wasn’t part of my plan…”


So… what was his plan?

Simple. To send Sophie home. Here’s the evidence.

Specimen A: Mr Badger has said multiple times that they had a “slow start”. No ‘slow starter’ ever wins The Bachelor. They’ve had the least number of dates out of the final three.

Specimen B: Their date was… how do I put this… the worst. They were meant to go skydiving but then it was allegedly ‘too windy’ and they had to land. It was embarrassing for everyone but mostly us and obviously signified the end of their relationship.

Specimen C: As loyal Bachelor watchers have pointed out, whoever gets the first kiss from the Bachelor or Bachelorette wins. Sasha got the first kiss with Sam Frost. Laura got the first kiss with Matty J. Snezana got the first kiss with Sam Wood.


That’s the rule. And you know who got the first kiss this season? Brittany. She was destined to stay.

Specimen D: Sophie was absolutely the most nervous. She got a bunch of screen time as she contemplated whether she’d done enough. She knew she was going home. 

Look. That’s all I’ve got.

There are also some spoilers/paparazzi images floating around the internet that I won’t explicitly cite here because ethics but let’s just say they support my theory.

In Mr Badger’s mind, it was going to be Brooke and Brittany in the final two.

And what do we think will happen tonight on The Bachelor finale? In my heart I believe he will choose no one, a first in Bachelor history.

Can’t. Wait.

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Older mama 6 years ago

Your heart is correct