
Watch this bride get thrown from a horse during her ridiculous photo shoot. (You know you want to.)




Whatever the bride wants, THE BRIDE BLOODY WELL GETS.

That was the attitude photographer Jarrett Hucks went into this wedding shoot with, when the bride informed him that she would like to be photographed sitting gloriously atop a majestic horse. In her wedding dress. On the beach.

The horse, who obviously decided that this bullshit wedding photo shoot had gone too far, decided to take care of the situation, and immediately flung the bride from his majestic back, tulle skirt and all:



Watch the video (with bizarrely creepy music) right here:



The photographer said that the bride wasn’t hurt other than a couple of bruises. That horse is totally #sorrynotsorry though.








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Top Comments

That Gal 10 years ago


Lucy Baker 10 years ago

My initial reaction was ha ha. But can we please just put on our feminist hats for a moment? If this had been a guy, we would have been laughing with him - not mocking him - even on falling flat on his face. I am not going to mock this woman.