
We might finally know the answer to the biggest mystery of our time: Who bit Beyonce?

Forget about Stonehenge. Forget about whether or not Kim Kardashian photoshopped that Instagram snap with the weird looking car in the background.

Forget it all because THIS is the greatest mystery of our time: somebody dared to bite Beyoncé on the face at a party in December and we need to know who it is.

Chrissy Teigen claimed to know whodunnit. Names like Lena Dunham and Jennifer Lawrence were thrown around the rumour mill.

But now, a whole two days after the story first broke, we might finally have an answer.

The likely culprit?

Actress Sanaa Lathan, who has appeared in Love & BasketballNip/Tuck and who’s voiced the wife of Cleveland, Donna Tubbs, on animated series Family Guy since 2010.

The finger was pointed at Sanaa by gossip site TMZ, who claim “multiple sources” have said Tiffany Haddish – who recounted the story in a GQ profile – told them Sanaa was the one who bit the Flawless singer.

One source confirmed the bite, adding it was "not an aggressive bite".

"It was playful and noninvasive, but still caught Beyoncé off guard," the site reported.

Rumour has it Bey confronted Sanaa after spotting the actress chatting to her rapper husband Jay-Z in a "way that made her uncomfortable". Sanna then "brushed off any insinuation of inappropriate conduct" and finished the conversation with "a jokey bite".

Nothing says 'just kidding' like a good, old fashioned bite to the face, right?!

Interestingly, Sanaa herself tweeted a denial that she was the 'Beyoncé biter' yesterday to her 1.65 million followers.

Some fans, though, weren't buying it, and saying it was all a ploy to throw the Internet's greatest detectives off the scent:

And there's further 'evidence' Sanaa is the culprit: according to an anonymous tip emailed to Vulture writer Hunter Harris by a reader, Tiffany had previously made reference to the fact the actress who bit Queen Bey had once dated French Montana.


You guessed it, Sanaa.

Obviously the speculation evidence is undeniable and we can consider this case pretty much closed.

Unless, of course, the real culprit is still out there... biting unsuspecting superstars left, right and centre. BE SAFE OUT THERE, EVERYONE.


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Top Comments

random dude au 6 years ago

I'll 'fess up - it was me as a roaming uber driver. I also shot the sheriff, but that other dude nah. It was not me

For 50K I'll let you know the juicy details MM

Anon 6 years ago

Did you also let the dogs out? Whoof whoof whoop whoof whoop

Rush 6 years ago

You sneaky bugger. I bet it was YOU who stole the cookie from the cookie jar, too, wasn't it!

random dude au 6 years ago

Nope. Not me - it probably was the dogs I let out. Blame them

Rush 6 years ago

Ok, but I’m sure it was you who put the bomp in the bomp a bomp a bomp. AND the ram in the ram-a-lama-ding-dong.