
Best and Worst: Come and tell us how your week was...

Hey you guys.

Welcome to Friday’s Best and Worst.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with this post, best and worst is where we come together and share our experiences from the week that was.

Tell us your magic moments, vent about the crap… we want to hear the good, the bad and the ugly. And of course all your relationship goss because we’re chicks here and we love that shit.

I will kick us off…

BEST: We just got two new kittens and they are the most ninja kitties alive. They are names Yuki and Kakashi (yeah, we just got back from Japan) and their hobbies include wrestling each other, attacking my hair and being completely and utterly adorable.

OMM: Drugs.

From the tragic death of Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Taryn Brumfitt’s heartbreaking article about the death of her brother to the new lockout laws in Sydney and the Schapelle Corby controversy, drugs seem to be everywhere at the moment. Just something to think about.

And because they are so gorgeous…. More kitten pics!!!

Bella Westaway is a 20 year old journalism student and intern at Mamamia. You can read her blog here. 

Over to you! How has your week been? 

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Top Comments

Alchemy 11 years ago

Bestest of bests - my son has made the Australian team and we go to England in June, woohoo. Also will be there for my birthday, bonus!
Worst - I have suspected chicken pox. Have heaps of spots and they keep cropping since yesterday morning, so had a blood test this morning to confirm. Can't go to an engagement party tonight, though. Buggger...If it is the pox, this will be the third time!

guest 11 years ago

SJS is often misdiagnosed as chicken pox. (It's a severe allergic reaction) If your condition deteriorates or you have sore eyes, and mouth sores, please get reputable emergency care.

Alchemy 11 years ago

I have taken antihistamine as I originally thought an allergic reaction but didn't make any difference and the spots have little blisters and very similar to last time I had the pox and maniacally itchy. The doctor reckons even if its not chicken pox, it is still viral, but who knows!

guest 11 years ago

Blisters on the gums is a dead give away for SJS. I just wanted to shout that out, as I was misdiagnosed with chicken pox and suffered the consequences of the misdiagnosis.

Alchemy 11 years ago

I googled it and, thank god, it's not that. Went to A & E at 2 o'clock this morning as the spots on my arm were swollen and burning, they took a swab and they think it is shingles. Will find out today, hopefully. The itching is driving me nuts...

afw 11 years ago

Sooo upset that the Disqus/ comments function on here went up shit creek this afternoon :(

mmteam 11 years ago

Hey afw,

Alas, Disqus has been undergoing scheduled maintenance over the past day or so. It has affected all websites that use it as a commenting system. But - touch wood - we think we're back to normal now.


Pelican Pie 11 years ago


Perhaps, MM, when Disqus has a maintenance day, you could perhaps post a small editorial on the MM home page to let us know? Hey, why not a small editorial every day?

If it's all back and All Systems Go, then perhaps everyone will post the comments they were unable to do yesterday?

mils 11 years ago

Yeah same here. And right when I had free time at work!