
Best and Worst: How has your week been so far?

If you’re an avid Mamamia reader – which I’m sure you are – you’re probably familiar with the format for Best and Worst of the week but I’m going to go over it anyway.

Welcome to Best and Worst.

This is the space where we can all silently curse that bus driver that drove away without you on Monday morning or rejoice about the time you found enough coins in your pocket to buy a Mars Bar.

We’ve all been there… well I definitely have in the case of finding spare coins. (Except I got a Snickers. I prefer them because they’re nuttier.) I’ll start things off…



I’M IN SYDNEY! Mum, if you’re reading this, I just want to let you know that I arrived safely and I’m having a really good time. Everybody has been really nice to me and I haven’t run out of money yet, which is a plus! Also, please tell Dad I say hey.


So, I feel like I got a little bit tricked by the ticketing instructor at the Sydney Airport. The conversation went a little bit like this:

Me: “Hey dude, I’m stay in Sydney for two weeks. Can I get some kind of deal to make the train cheaper?

Ticketing Instructor: “I can give you a weekly pass.”

Me: “But I’m staying for two weeks. Can I get a fortnightly pass?

Ticketing Instructor: “Yep, that’ll be $48.”

Me: “Bargain! Transport in Sydney must be sooooooo much cheaper than Brisbane. I’ll take it!” *Pays for ticket* “So this will last for two weeks, right?

Ticketing Instructor: “Nope, just one week.

Wait, what. That is definitely not what I asked for. However, the blank yet stern expression on his face gave me the impression I wasn’t going to win this argument so instead of stating my case, I just politely walked away. Plus, I could see a vending machine in the distance and I wanted to see if I had enough coins in my pocket to buy a Snickers…

Editor’s note regarding our new-look site:

We’ve read your comments very carefully and heard all of your concerns.

In particular this week we’ve been working on making it easier to find all your favourite posts (including Best and Worst), the most recently published posts. We’re bringing you bigger and brighter, better quality images and also improved the ability for you to log in and comment.

Thank you for your patience as we iron out the little crinkles in our new look site and do keep letting us know if you’re having issues and we’ll do our best to rectify them quickly.


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Top Comments

anon 10 years ago

thanks for the Editors note, it is very much appreciated. I promise I will stop winging for a while

EuropeGirl 10 years ago

Best: Found out that I will be travelling overseas for work and I am very much looking forward to this as this is a project that does not require me to work 24/7 and I get to enjoy the city a bit. This ususally does not happen so Yeah!

Worst: The heating in our apartment building is playing up and is making weird noises. It is especially bad in the bedroom and we can not sleep properly. We have notified the agent and hopefully it can be fixed easily. I need my 8 hours of sleep.

And thanks to the mamamia team for listening to us. This was easy to find and I hope the comments will increase again.