
The happiest people all say it. Meditation is the answer. But how even?

Everyone has time to meditate, believe us.



In this video Jacqui Lewis from The Broad Place, experts in conscious living, debunks some common misconceptions surrounding meditation.

She says for those who think they don’t have time, once you feel “the increased happiness and joy for no reason” you’ll suddenly find the motivation for 30 mins of quiet time each day.


Paper Tiger is a Sydney based health and wellbeing duo offering fitness classes, retreats (Balance Breaks) and health media.

You can visit the Paper Tiger website here.

Top Comments

Really? 9 years ago

Start by pushing your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Not the tip, but the flat surface. The more surface coverage the better. Now drop your bottom jaw so that your top and bottom teeth no longer connect. As you bring your mouth closed, connect your lips but not your jaw line. Your teeth should remain apart whilst your lips are closed and your tongue is resting on the roof of your mouth. This is the "duck-face" you see a lot of celebrities engage in to create a ridiculous skeletal look. Done properly, it is the most natural resting and calming stationary position. It connects the chakras in one complete circle and frees the body's energy flow.