
It's Benedict Cumberbatch Vs. Kate and Wills. And we know whose side we're on.

Benedict Cumberbatch — he of the regal name, curious good looks and multiple Oscar nominations — just got behind a seriously worthy cause.

He’s an activist. A Cumberbatcivist.

The British actor (Cumberbactor), who picked up an Oscar nomination for his role as WW2 code-breaker Alan Turing in The Imitation Game, is fronting a campaign to pardon some 49,000 people prosecuted under historic homophobic laws, which imprisoned homosexual men for so-called “gross indecency”.

The campaign has attracted more than 100,000 signatures on — but two very famous people have royally snubbed it: Prince William and Kate Middleton.

As The Independent reports, the royal couple rejected Benedict Cumberbatch‘s petition to pardon those convicted under old anti-gay laws in Britain. They are now reportedly refusing to comment, citing the issue is a matter for government.

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The issue of unfair treatment of gay men in Britain was brought to Cumberbatch’s attention during his recent portrayal of computer science whiz Turing, who was prosecuted and sentenced to a chemical castration under the law in 1952, but granted a posthumous pardon in 2013.

Cumberbatch wrote in an email to The Hollywood Reporter that he found the whole issue “deplorable”.

“Alan Turing was not only prosecuted, but quite arguably persuaded to end his own life early, by a society who called him a criminal for simply seeking out the love he deserved, as all human beings do,” Cumberbatch said.

“Sixty years later, that same government claimed to ‘forgive’ him by pardoning him. I find this deplorable, because Turing’s actions did not warrant forgiveness — theirs did — and the 49,000 other prosecuted men deserve the same.”

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The petition wants to bring justice to the victims of the law which “brought not only unwarranted shame, but horrific physical and mental damage and lost years of wrongful imprisonment to these men.”

It is also supported by British comedian, actor and activist Stephen Fry.

You can find the original petition here.

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Top Comments

Kate 10 years ago

I can see where Kate and Wills are coming from here - like it or not, like any entity, the Royals will have protocols about presenting a united front. It wouldn't really be appropriate for them to be independently and publicly supporting something which is for Lizzie, to as the current monarch, to decide. Who knows, they might be doing their bit behind the scenes

guest 10 years ago

I think you fundamentally misunderstand the role of a constitutional monarch. He or she should have no public opinion on any political issue but act on the advice of parliament and her ministers. She doesn't get to decide - if something was presented for her signature that she fundamentally disagreed with she is able to raise concerns but if the government insists she has to sign it. It's been said, accurately, that the Queen would need to sign her own death warrant as long as both house of parliament have agreed on it.

Megan 10 years ago

Lizzie actually pardoned Turing.

vivacious 10 years ago

I think that this would be really difficult for them. The Royal Family are very much meant to stay out of politics and as third in line to the throne not only would it go against protocol it would be speaking out ahead of more senior royals. Damned if you don't, in trouble with the Queen if you do.