
Australia's baby formula shortage. Where's it all gone?

Where on earth has Bellamy’s gone?

Parents right across the country are incensed over the sudden disappearance of Bellamy’s organic baby formula from supermarket shelves. The Australian company, who has established quite the loyal local following, has been inundated with angry messages from mums and dads who want to know where in the heck their tot’s favourite formula has gone.

People are furious. They’re having to travel far and wide for what has been dubbed ‘liquid gold’, and they want answers. Now.

But where exactly have all the Bellamy’s tins rolled off to?

Well… all the way to China. Apparently.

An upcoming Chinese online shopping event, Singles Day, on November 11, has resulted in an unprecedented increase in foreign sales of the Australian baby formula. The event is thought to be one of the largest shopping events in the world, raking in more than USD 9 billion in sales in 2014, and is perfect for opportunistic Chinese families to stock-up on family favourites and essentials. That means a lot of baby formula.

In light of China’s 2008 tragedy that saw eight babies die due to melamine poisoning, “clean and green” formula brands, like Bellamy’s and Karicare, are wildly popular across Asia.

It’s lead to a startling stock shortage that not even Laura McBain, Bellamy’s chief executive, saw coming.

“As a result, supermarket shelves in Australia are being wiped out. We didn’t anticipate we’d have a situation where mums couldn’t access our products,” she revealed to Fairfax Media, “It’s taken us by surprise.”

The company has taken off in the Asian region over the last year after becoming publicly listed, and now estimates that one third of all Australian sales are being resold in China to service the growing demand. While great for the company sales, it’s left Australian retailers and parents feeling cheated.

If you’re wondering how the babies have reacted to the shortage, we imagine they’re pulling facial expressions like this (post continues after video).

David Do from Mums Advice Pharmacy in Bondi Junction told Fairfax that he hasn’t had a stock replenishment of Bellamy’s for two months. Meanwhile another retailer, who requested anonymity, says that Bellamy’s is withholding Aussie stock to maximise revenue from the lucrative Chinese market.

“They’re seeking to capitalise on it. They’re declining to allow Australian retailers from increasing the amount they order to fulfil the demand,” he said.

Laura McBain denies these claims, however, saying that the company’s priorities are split evenly between China and Australia.

“We have not been withholding supply where we can. We haven’t favoured any particular country or retailer. We have not been underhanded in any way in managing this situation of unprecedented demand,” she said.

“Our ambition and aim is to continue to deliver organic to as many mums possible, not just in Australia, but in China and across the globe.”

Regardless of the circumstances, parents are peeved off, as Isabel Wagner, mum of a four-month-old, explained.

“There’s a lot of confusion among parents, mothers; not sure what’s going on and panic buying and everyone’s trying to grab as many tins as possible,” she said.

“You can’t just change formula brands. The baby can’t have an adverse reaction and has to like the taste. If it works for you, you tend to stick with it.”

Have you been searching for Bellamy’s formula? What do you think about the company’s recent stock shortage?

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Top Comments

Petra 9 years ago

I found this article which I thought could help http://www.treasurehuntinga...

light487 9 years ago

Need some sort of card-based rationing system to really put a stop to it.

One thing I hear a lot of people say is why don't the factories just ship more to China? Thing is, people wouldn't buy it on shelves in China. There is simply too much fear. Imagine that... can you? Not being able to buy things from your local supermarket because you can't trust if the items on the shelf are fake, tampered with or are actually genuine. You certainly wouldn't buy baby formula for your own children if there was even a shadow of a doubt that the formula was fake or tainted, would you?

That Sanlu milk scandal involved milk powder being shipped from a New Zealand company.. the same company that makes some of the formula being sold in Australia. The people who packaged the formula in China are the ones that added the melamine to it, and that's the problem.. how can Chinese parents trust anything, even if it's come from New Zealand and repackaged in China? Even if the company started packaging it in New Zealand and shipping direct to China..... yeah.. it's a trust thing.

Our government, and the New Zealand government and all the governments of countries that manufacture these formulas need to sit down with the Chinese government and come up with a re-education plan to promote certain brands as trusted. We could instigate a card system.. but that wouldn't fix the problem. Love it or hate it, this is a global economy..