
'I'm a beauty editor. Here are 6 things I changed about my beauty routine in 2022.'

I started off the year with a bunch of good intentions for 2022. Beauty intentions, that is. 

I set out a list of new 'rules' I would follow - mostly to do with my skincare routine. Remember? Probably not. Here they are, in case you need a refresher. 

Like, I promised myself I was going to *actually* take beauty supplements for more than a week. Not squeeze pimples. Use my LED mask consistently, and so forth.

Were they good rules? Yes.

Did I follow through with them? No. 

I stopped taking beauty supplements after a month, did A LOTTA squeezing (ooft, you wouldn't believe how much), and I lost the charger to my LED mask.

Watch: You know what I didn't do in 2022? Put lube on my face. Baby steps. Post continues below.

But! While I may have failed with some (most) of the stuff I set out to do, what I can tell you is that there are plenty of other small tweaks I *actually* made to my beauty routine - and I think they're worth noting.

Here are six things I did differently.

1. Quit being inconsistent with ingredients.

This will forever be the year I stuck to a proper routine and stayed consistent with active ingredients - because I'm usually all over the place.

Y'see, I tend to always start off so strong when it comes to using ingredients like vitamin A, but then everything ends up getting flaky and irritated and I kind of... give up.

But this time around, I did it properly. I started with low concentration ingredients and worked my way up, like a good beauty editor. Meaning? My skin was less pissed off, and I could continue using these ingredients without having to pull back for months on end while I waited for my skin to heal.

While I still change products frequently, the basis of what I use doesn't really shift - vitamin C and hyaluronic acid in the morning, retinol or lactic acid at night (alternating between both ingredients).

This literally never happens. And my skin has been way better for it.

2. Ditched powdered makeup.

I feel like a lot of people can relate to this. I just don't have time for powdered makeup anymore - or its ability to make my skin look like a giant flake. It doesn't look or feel good on my face.

This entire year I've used cream EVERYTHING. Foundation, eyeshadow, blush, highlighter - the whole shebang.

It's completely no fuss, easier to blend (especially eyeshadow), looks better on my face and makes me really confused why I ever used powdered makeup in the first place.

3. Repairing my skin rather than covering it up.

Look, I don't like to brag, but I'm V-E-R-Y good at burning my acid mantle. 

I'm constantly trialling different skincare products - and sometimes, some of the stuff I use doesn't agree with my skin - and in turn, absolutely annihilates my skin. It takes MONTHS to repair and leaves me feeling very silly indeed.

Because as any good skincare nerd will tell you, your skin barrier is actually very important - and it needs to be protected at all costs. Your barrier is like a security guard, and without it, things like irritation, breakouts and bacteria end up waltzing through the doors.

This year, while I tried a lot of buzzy, hyped-up products, I generally stuck to the skincare ingredients that mesh well with my skin, and focused on nourishing and repairing it.

And I'm so happy - because my skin is much healthier for it.

4. Sheer foundation over full coverage.

If you would've asked me a couple of years ago for my all-time favourite foundation, I would've said a full formula matte foundation, like MAC Cosmetics Studio Fix. However, as my skin got progressively drier, I slowly started using sheerer, more glowy formulas, but would still shift to full coverage when I wanted to 'dress up' or go out.

In 2022, I'm significantly more frugal about how much foundation I put on my face. Not because my skin is any better than it used to be - I still get breakouts and all that jazz - it's just that I feel my makeup looks better when it's lighter and more natural. 

Plus, I've really grown quite fond of my freckles and don't want to cover them up anymore.

5. Switched to brown eyeliner - or wore nothing at all.

I've always been a black-winged eyeliner kinda gal. But off the back of this whole less-is-more vibe, I hit a point this year where I realised that wearing black liner every day can start to look a little... heavy on my face. 

So, for the first time in ages, I've started reserving black eyeliner for going out and have shifted to brown liquid eyeliner for everyday wear. It warms your eye makeup up just that little bit, without making it look too harsh or aggressive.  

6. Stopped getting eyelash extensions.

I used to be a big eyelash extension addict. Huge. I'd get them done every couple of months and would always make sure I had a fresh set on for events, weddings, special occasions, and so forth.

But this year, I decided to take a break. 

Whether it was due to the cost, the damage to my natural lashes, the shift towards natural beauty or a combination of all three, I'm not sure I'll go back to eyelash extensions. 

Instead, I've rediscovered the magic of eyelash curlers and a good mascara, and focusing on a wispy, fluttery look, as opposed to that thick, dramatic look. 

The other week I even tried some individual falsies (!!) on the outside of my lashes for a really subtle, natural look. I've always been rubbish at applying false lashes, but these were magnetic and super easy to use.

The best part? My lashes have never been in better condition. They look full and healthy, for the first time in years.

Want to hear more from Erin? Follow her on Instagram.

What have you changed about your routine in 2022? Share with us in the comment section below.

Feature image: Mamamia; Supplied.

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