
Is having more than one baby shower greedy?


The rules surrounding baby showers used to be firm. Now, pregnant women around the world are ditching these long-established traditions and for what? For extra presents? For better cupcakes? It’s time the original rules governing baby showers were followed.

Baby showers were originally set up in towns and villages as a way of helping families prepare for parenthood. When a woman fell pregnant, the locals would organise an baby shower to give her everything she needed to raise her baby and any further children she decided to have. Now, baby showers have become lavish events where the thought of giving an already used bassinet or high chair doesn’t even cross a guest’s mind.

Original baby shower rules went as follows:

* Baby showers were held for the first pregnancy only;

* Gifts were donations of goods or selected at whim, with no registries;

* Food and drinks were a collaborative effort;

* The sex of the baby was never revealed;

* Silly games were played with little rewards like chocolates or some potpourri if you were lucky;

* The expectant father was not included.

Now, all these traditions have been thrown out the window. Baby showers have become events where the mum-to-be is worshipped and treated like a princess. She is given hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of spanking new gifts whilst nibbling on delicious finger foods and cupcakes. Gifts are purchased from the gift registry only. The sex of the child is often revealed by the colour theme at the event or perhaps a flurry of pink or blue balloons being released from a box. The father-to-be is often in attendance. And, the most controversial change of all:

Baby showers aren’t just held for the first pregnancy only. Pregnant women are celebrated for second, third and even fourth pregnancies. How greedy.

I can say that without being offensive because I am a reformed greedy pregnant woman. I was thrown a baby shower for my first pregnancy, not for my second, but after having two boys I was so excited to find out that I was having a girl for my third pregnancy that I threw myself a baby shower complete with pink cupcakes, pink lollies and lots and lots of pink presents.

My mother did mention it wasn’t exactly the done thing but the arrival of the second girl in a swarm of boys was pretty exciting. Besides, pink cupcakes are much more appetising than blue ones. Unless they have those little edible silver balls on them. Nobody wants that.

What has happened to traditional baby showers? And why are pregnant women having more than one baby shower?

Also, baby showers aren’t meant to be organised by the pregnant woman, but now the expectant mother is orchestrating the event herself.

It’s just not right.

Do you think having more than one baby shower is greedy?


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