
Could you pass the Australian citizenship test without studying?


As a dual citizen, I have passed the ‘Life in the UK’ test as part of the process to obtain British citizenship.

But after being away from my birth country for almost a decade, I wanted to know if I could pass the Australian citizenship test – without studying.

In all seriousness, it’s not a test to see if you can say “mate” without moving your lips. The real test has 20 multiple-choice questions to be answered within 45 minutes.

I took a simulated test online at Australian Citizenship Support, and I’m happy to say I passed with flying colours.

The questions covered politics, history, common sense and mateship, but some of them threw me. For example, I got this wrong:

Permanent residents can apply for work in the Australian Public Service or in the Australian Defence Force?

  • True
  • False

The false answer is correct. That was news to me; I would have thought with the right visa and skill anyone could get a comfortable public service job.

Next question:

In Australia, who is the Head of State?

  • The Prime Minister
  • The Queen of Australia
  • The Governor

Of course I know the Queen is our Head of State, but I had never heard of the "Queen of Australia".

The Queen's full name is: "Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith".

But the monarch is also styled Queen of Australia. However, Australians are good at nicknames - everyone knows the Queen.

So, could you pass the test? The official test has a pass mark of 75 per cent. To pass you must not get any more than two out of 10 wrong.

Here are 10 sample questions taken, in no particular order, the practise test.

1. On the Torres Strait Islander Flag, what does the blue panel represent?

  • The sea
  • The land
  • The people

2.In Australia, why is a woman able to apply for any job?

  • Because her husband approves it
  • Because she has a university degree
  • Both men and women have equal access to employment

3.Which of these statements about equality of men and women is incorrect?

  • Both men and women have the right to make their own independent choices about personal matters
  • Both men and women can vote but only men can stand for parliament
  • Both men and women have equal access to education and employment

4.What is the colour of the Australian Aboriginal Flag bottom half?

  • Black
  • Red
  • Blue

5.Who was the first governor of the colony of New South Wales?

  • Captain Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Captain Douglas Philips
  •  Captain Arthur Phillip

6.In 1851, what attracted people from all around the world to the colonies of New South Wales and Victoria?

  • Gold
  • Oil
  • Jobs

7. What happened in Australia on 1 January 1901?

  • The birth of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
  • The colonies were united into a federation of states
  • The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act was signed

8. Why did Great Britain send convicts to Australia in the 1800s?

  • British laws were harsh and all convicts had to be sent to Australia for forced labour
  • Australian new free settlers needed labour to build infrastructure
  • British laws were harsh and the jails could not hold the large number of people imprisoned for their crimes

9. In Aboriginal legend, how were the colours of the opal, Australia's national gemstone, created?

  • From a kangaroo's pouch
  • By a rainbow touching the earth
  • From a fragment of Ayers Rock

10.What is the name of an elected representative of a state or territory in the Australian Parliament?

  • Senator
  • Member of Parliament
  • Government Minister

Bonus question:

What kind of society do Australians believe in?

  • Based on class
  • Based on gender
  • Fair

Answers from Australian Citizenship support - 1. The sea 2. Both men and women have equal access to employment 3.Both men and women have equal access to education and employment 4. Red 5. Captain Arthur Phillip 6. Gold 7. The colonies were united into a federation of states 8. British laws were harsh and the jails could not hold the large number of people imprisoned for their crimes 9. By a rainbow touching the earth 10. Senator.

The bonus question is up to you.

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