
As news breaks that Rihanna and Chris Brown may now be married, here are the details of what he actually did to her. Are you ready? have obtained the police report. For those who claim “we don’t know what REALLY went on”, it’s worth sharing….

According to the notes, Rihanna read a three-page text message on
Brown’s phone from a woman. An argument ensued and Brown allegedly
tried forcing Rihanna out of the car but couldn’t because she was
wearing her seat belt.  Brown then allegedly shoved Rihanna’s
head against the passenger window. When Rihanna turned to face him,
Brown punched her, then continued punching her while driving, according
to the detective’s notes.
Blood spattered all over Rihanna’s clothing and in the interior of the car. Her mouth was filled with blood.Brown allegedly told Rihanna, “I’m going to beat the **** out of you when we get home. You wait and see.”
Rihanna called her assistant and left a message saying, “I am on my way home. Make sure the cops are there when I get there.”
Brown then replied, “You just did the stupidest thing ever. I’m going to kill you.”
to the report, Brown continued to punch Rihanna, bit her on her ear,
her fingers and put her in a headlock — she almost lost consciousness.
Brown has now been charged with two crimes – assault and making
criminal threats and even though it is believed Rihanna is refusing to
testify (making a conviction far more difficult given that she was the
key witness and victim), the case is proceeding.
Meanwhile, some fans are beginning to turn on Rihanna.

In an opinion piece in today’s paper, columnist Rita Pahni writes about how some fans are as angry with the alleged victim as they are with the alleged perpetrator:

Commentators to The Daily Telegraph website and across the
net were at their most feral over her decision to return to the hands
of violence, dismayed fans eloquently expressing their disgust, as they
do, with the 21-year-old Barbadian beauty.

“Idiot” and “fool” were common descriptions used.

Suddenly Rihanna went from tragic victim to public enemy No. 1.

“Moron. I will never buy any CD of hers again. I refuse to support
someone who makes domestic violence seem acceptable to young girls,”
Mel of Sydney wrote, reflecting the majority of dumbstruck fans.

Yesterday the attacks on Rihanna only intensified as it was revealed
Brown may escape charges of domestic violence, battery, criminal
threats and even attempted murder because she is reportedly refusing to
press charges and testify against him after the pair were seen loved up
on Miami beach.

It’s baffling to me that at a time when Rihanna is most vulnerable and in need of support, her fans have turned on her.

And so viciously.

Her decision to reunite with an allegedly violent partner may be
bewildering to most but not to those who have experienced domestic
violence or who work with battered woman.

“She’s a wounded little girl and she thinks she can make him
change,” explains psychologist Jan Waldman, reminding us as well that
we are indeed talking about a girl just out of her teenage years.

Domestic violence expert Madeline Garcia Bigelow, also not surprised
by the high-profile reunion, said it made sense: “When you’re in an
intimate relationship with anyone you tend to give people chances.”

Rihanna fits like a glove into the well- known cycle of domestic
violence, with Brown reportedly showering her with gifts and
apologising profusely.

(Meanwhile, publicly he has released carefully worded statements of
sorrow and regret designed to minimise the damage to his career.)

Domestic violence campaigners are understandably aghast at Rihanna’s
decision to give the relationship another chance. They see it as
setting a dangerous example for impressionable young girls and
“normalising” violence in relationships.

And they are right. With one in five adult Australian women
experiencing some form of abuse in an intimate relationship – and
disturbingly the figures are similar for teenage girls – she certainly
has a chance to make a stand. But we all know that. Before we condemn
her we should remember that just as money, fame and status do not make
a woman like Rihanna immune from domestic violence, they also do not
grant her any special wisdom or judgment in dealing with the traumatic

She is 21, most definitely scared, clearly confused and without
doubt deeply humiliated by events which most couples play out behind
closed doors – not on the world stage. Thrown into the mix is love, a
kid inexperienced and blinded in the true sense by her idea of that

Rihanna doesn’t deserve our scorn. She is a victim, and behaving
like one. Let’s reserve our contempt for the abusers, not the abused.
She would do well to heed the advice of fallen diva Whitney Houston,
whose own experience with domestic violence is a sobering reminder of
what can happen when you allow a destructive partner to wreak havoc.

Houston’s 14-year marriage to troubled R&B singer Bobby Brown
(no relation to Chris) has been marred by drugs and violence. She has
implored Rihanna to forget about Brown: “Don’t make the same mistakes I
did. Whenever you let your heart rule your head you are bound to run
into trouble.”

She should know. There was a time when Houston was the brightest
young star in the world of pop – until she met Brown and her
professional and private life unravelled in the spectacular fashion it

I hope the same sad fate doesn’t await Rihanna.

Me too. This story is moving so fast and in such a sad direction…….I’m afraid I struggle to think of any reason why Chris Brown should be given another chance. By Rihanna, by his record company or by his fans.

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Top Comments

Kate 16 years ago

She is a victim and he is the perpetrator. Rene is absolutely correct, his rage betrayed his guilt. His infidelity (at least emotionally) is another sign of his disrespect and abuse of her. While I wholeheartedly acknowledge her youth and inexperience and appreciate that, despite her fame, she is vulnerable and susceptible to the cycle of violence (which transcends socio-economic, educational and cultural status); the natural consequence for his behaviour (besides the end of his relationship)is a list of criminal charges (and convictions depending on what she disclosed immediately after the attack) plus therapeutic treatment. That is how to begin to minimise the risk Chris Brown poses to Rhianna and any subsequent victims. And that is the most realistic solution accepted by women in this situation - they will return to him and he will agree to do almost anything to keep her (at this early stage). Leaving him would be the optimal message for our girls but the next best thing, for both young men and women, is to demonstrate real attempts at change through therapeutic intervention individually and together, rather than the "it was just one time, it'll never happen again" fantasy.

Peron 16 years ago

Wait... he bit her? I think I find that one of the most disturbing details of this horrible incident.