
Anthony and Elle Watmough's pregnancy ultimatum: “There is no cure for this abnormality.”

NRL Star Anthony Watmough and his wife Elle has been delivered some tragic news about the fate of their unborn child.

It’s every expectant parent’s worst nightmare.

Crippled with endometriosis since the age of 16, Elle Watmough, wife to NRL star Anthony Watmough began IVF treatment at just 23 years of age.

For three long years, the couple have been dreaming of holding a precious baby of their own in their arms and had almost given up hope when miraculously Elle fell pregnant with their last frozen embryo earlier this year.

The couples excitement continued as Ms Watmough received 10 perfect ultrasounds and was pleased to learn that she had less than a 2 percent chance of miscarrying.

It was a dream come true, until the couple were delivered heart breaking news; their baby girl was carrying Trisomy 18 – a rare and in most cases, fatal condition. “There is no cure for this abnormality,” Elle wrote. “Unlike Down syndrome where a baby can lead a somewhat happy life, babies with Trisomy 18 will die.”

All the couple can do is wait anxiously and make an incredibly difficult decision as to how they will proceed with the pregnancy.

In a heart wrenching statement, Watmough wrote on her blog;

“I can only speak for how I’m feeling and I want to acknowledge and love this little girl that is growing inside me, that we made and to us, is perfect as ever,” she said.

“How do you become attached to something that you may lose in a matter of weeks?

Do I get excited that my belly is growing or do I acknowledge the likelihood that it probably won’t grow much bigger? I don’t want to sound negative,” she continued.

“I want to be positive, think of the best possible outcome, be thrilled that we are finally pregnant and that my body can actually grow a baby this far,” Ms Watmough wrote.

Ms Watmough said that she will endure another ultrasound and further testing in two weeks time to rule out whether the cell abnormality was centralised to just the placenta, or was also being carried by their child.


“If the baby had full Trisomy 18, our only option would be to medically terminate the baby,” she said.

“This puts us at a heartbreaking ultimatum if our bub does indeed show in the next lot of test results positive for T18. “Two of our doctors have recommended that we wait another two weeks, repeat the ultrasound to see if she has changed structurally and do an amniocentesis, where they can test the cells that the baby is swallowing and producing inside the amniotic sack. Our other doctor has suggested if this next test comes back positive we are only prolonging a bad outcome.”

Welcome to paradise @castawayisland @elle_watmough A photo posted by awatmough (@awatmough) on Dec 21, 2014 at 4:19pm PST

“Do we wait until 17 or 18 weeks when all the testing is exhausted to find that we have a situation on our hands where the only options are to medically terminate our baby; risk it and potentially have a stillborn or carry to term only to have a baby with severe and fatal abnormalities that is going to live maybe a few hours or days after birth,” Elle wrote in her blog post.

With the future of their baby girl removed from their control, there is nothing left for Mr and Mrs Watmough to do then to be positive and have hope that their daughter will be one of the lucky ones.

“We will keep you updated with any results we get. Please keep our little girl in your thoughts. We are hoping for a miracle and that we can introduce you to a beautiful little girl next March.”

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Top Comments

Benjamin David 9 years ago

Just remember that some do live to hold and love.


Lily Tadros 9 years ago

Anthony & Elle my prayers are with you .. Trisomy 18 looks like has touched a lot of families .. Could I please share my thoughts. I went full term not knowing I was carrying a trisomy 18 baby ... going through the pregnancy fulfilling my dream to have a little girl our princess that was complementing our beautiful family . After birth 3 days later after having a Caesarian my beautiful little girl was diagnosed with Trisomy 18 due to some breathing difficulties.. My dreams and family was shattered in one minute of all the doctors and counsellors telling me she won't survive the next few hours... Anthony and Elle I also was given the option not to medically intervene with her health because they know these angels don't survive. I had beautiful 3 months with my angel Chloe. I would never change or give up any of it I truly cherish the 3 beautiful months I had . Who am I to intervene and make decisions we know trisomy 18 babies do not survive . If I had the choice through my pregnancy I would still take on the 3 months with her , I held her fed her , bathed and loved her ,,, and gave ultimately all the love an angel can be given ... Hard yes 13 years later I live to remember my angel every single day a child I had to bury and live with the pain for the rest of my life. But hey God gave her to me and took her away when he was ready she wasn't mine to intervene in a life ... Please remember my experience ... Both myself and friends and family have learnt something from my experience one day possibly we will know the why !!! God bless stay strong . Please inbox me on Facebook lily Tadros if at all I can assist