I remember waiting in line to see Santa with my eighteen-month-old son, Oliver at our local shopping centre in Newcastle. The mum in front had two little girls, close in age dressed in matching summer dresses. We started chatting and as I was five months pregnant with my second child, blindly asked, “So what’s it like having two kids pretty close together?”
I was unprepared for her reaction. Her girls seemed well-behaved and looked like they got on. “Look,” she confessed. “It’s great now. They’re pretty much best friends and they entertain each other all day.” She shuddered. But when I think back to those early days… it was bloody tough.”
Before I could get clarification; she’d slipped away and I was left thinking, “Cripes, what have I done?”
The thing was, it was not as if I had the motherhood thing down pat by the time I became pregnant with my second child. Not at all. Shop bought foods were my best friend at that stage, as they didn’t end up on the floor as often as my homemade dinners and lordy, I was tired.
Top Comments
Oh I know! It's like a blur there is so much to do! Your boys are adorable :-D
Oh, I loved this story! It gives me hope, ha ha! We moved overseas with our two girls, who were 20 months old, and 2 weeks old. (and my husband also went on ahead for his work, leaving when I was 32 wks). Yup, we did that. Also, I had an emergency c-section with the 2-week old, so I literally couldn't even carry my own groceries or unpack our belongings in our new house and country (while I was trying to remember how to breastfeed and live with sleep deprivation!). Anyway, my girls are now 3 and 16 months, and we're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Super glad to hear it only gets brighter.