
The Bachelor's Richie has finally met Alex's son... over FaceTime.

It’s the moment The Bachelor stars have been hoping to see on social media for weeks now: the first meeting between Richie Strahan and Alex Nation‘s five-year-old son, Elijah.

The couple has now revealed to TV Week it has already happened… sort of.

Alex told the magazine that Elijah and Richie saw each other for the first time over a video chat.

“We are still trying to figure out a good time for Richie and the little guy to meet,” the 24-year-old mum said.

“But they have done FaceTime, which was super cute. I swear to God my ovaries exploded, it was cute!”

FaceTime: it’s 2016’s version of a sit-down with the parents in the front room.

Richie told the publication the chat was a 10-out-of-10 success.

“The little guy thinks I’m super cool, so I wasn’t nervous at all,” the 30-year-old admitted.

“I was really excited to chat to him. I have been talking to Alex over the phone all the time and he is always like, ‘Who’s that?’”

It seems Richie has become a bit of a celebrity in Elijah's eyes.

“Now every time Richie calls or I’m on the phone he says, ‘Can I talk to Richie?’” Alex said.

“Yesterday they were talking about how many pickles to have on a cheeseburger!”

Cheeseburger chats - that's a big talking point to a five-year-old, right up there with Ben 10.

The official face-to-face meeting is yet to happen but surely it'll go down before Christmas... unless Richie's big arrival comes via the chimney.

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Top Comments

o 8 years ago

And they just couldn't wait to tell this to TV Week? These two are holding on to their 15 minutes of fame by their fingernails. Let it go and get on with your lives already!