
23 reasons I wish it was still school holidays.

I feel like the only mum on the planet who isn’t happy school is back. I miss my children so much, but more than that, I miss many things that make school holidays so incredibly awesome.

Just as a disclaimer, I write this as a parent who is lucky enough to have a flexible work arrangement. I really feel for mums who have to go to work during the school holidays and I help them out as much as I can. It isn’t unusual for me to have a couple of extra kids at my house most days during the school holidays which is fine by me.

1. Sleep ins;

2. Not having to stick to a schedule;

3. Having them waiting for me at home when I came home from my three work appointments per week;

4. Not having to iron school uniforms;

5. Not having to pack school lunches;

6. Having breakfast with them in our pyjamas, at 10am;

Actress Elizabeth Banks made an ad about women who don’t even have time to have a heart attack. Looks like a typical school morning to me.

7. Playing endless rounds of card game UNO;

8. Watching my son create his own computer game by teaching himself how to code;

9. Snuggling with my daughter while watching TV;

10. Having all the kids climb into bed with me each morning for cuddle and device time;

11. Cafe lunches;


13. Not having to polish any school shoes;

14. Not having to worry about buying brown bags, sandwich bags and endless rolls of cling wrap;

15. Not having to constantly buy hi-bounce handballs because the boys have lost them at school, again;

16. Having brilliant incidental conversations when all my kids, but especially my eldest;

17. Having heaps of time to make dinner;

18. Staying up late, as late as we want;

19. Being able to do whatever we want each day, Flip Out, movies, walk the dog;

20. If it is raining, stay home;

21. If it is cold, stay home;

22. If it is sunny, go outside immediately;

23. NO HOMEWORK. Oh wait, I already said that.

What do you miss about school holidays, or are you happy they are over?