Teachers, especially Kindergarten teachers, should know better.
I knew this would happen. Since the very first week of the school year my daughter has been telling me how you don’t let her use the toilet when she asks to. You make her wait.
“After I finish reading this book to you.”
“After you pack up your desk.”
“Once we’ve completed our counting activities.”
Don’t you understand that your Kindergarten classroom is made up of five-year-old children who have very limited control over their bladders? Don’t you get the fact that they have only moments to get to a toilet once the urge hits?
You’ve either not had enough experience teaching infant classes or you have, and just don’t care.
Now my daughter has to carry the stigma of being the first child to wet themselves in your classroom. This is exactly what I was hoping to avoid because it happened to me. I wet myself in Kindergarten and the memory of it still burns.