
14 signs you might be bad in bed

Find out if your sexual M.O makes the grade.

14 signs you might be bad in bed  

You like to believe your performance between the sheets is stellar and sexy - but what if your guy doesn't think you're quite the hubba-hubba

The bedroom looks like your office

Why it might mean you're bad in bed: Nothing sends a guy’s libido plummeting like reminders of stressful work life.

You're not into oral action

Why it might mean you're bad in bed: Do we really have to tell you why?

You jump out of bed the second it's over

Why it might mean you're bad in bed: We know you need to clean up when the party's, um, over, but really, don't run

You hang around in your jogging bottoms

Why it might mean you're bad in bed: We're not suggesting you start vacuuming in a red lace nightie, but men are visual crea

You talk about how your ex was in bed

Why it might mean you're bad in bed: Oh dear!

Your pre-sex routine takes longer than the act itself

Why it might mean you're bad in bed: Picture it: Your man is lying in bed, ready and waiting, and you're

Your sex routine has become, well, routine

Why it might mean you're bad in bed: Most couples who've been together for a while slip into the mode of having comfortab

You never take the lead

Why it might mean you're bad in bed: C'mon, you know it's not fair to make your man do all the work!

You act like it’s a favour

Why it might mean you're bad in bed: We know you're tired, but acting like you're doing him a favour is not doing anyone any fa

You're riddled with insecurities about your body

Why it might mean you're bad in bed: Believe us, despite what you see in the mirror, he doesn’t notice those

Your guy is suddenly disinterested

Why it might mean you're bad in bed: Think about it: Most men are always ready, willing and able, but if you've noticed your guy

You clam up when things heat up

Why it might mean you're bad in bed: If you like what your sweetie is doing, let him know it.

You're a speed demon

Why it might mean you're bad in bed: Sex is fun, right? So you should want it to last as long as possible.


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