
10 ways to make your kitchen diet-friendly

With its fridge and cupboards full of tempting treats, sometimes the kitchen can seem like a dangerous place to be when you’re trying to lose weight. However, with a few subtle kitchen changes you can equip yourself for better diet success…

Keep healthy foods visible...

A study by researchers at Cornell University found that we are three times more likely to eat the first item we see in the kitchen than the fifth, meaning that

And move ‘bad’ foods out of sight

Just as putting healthy foods in a prominent position can help your diet, it follows that the opposite is also true.

Get some fridge-spiration

To help stay motivated in the face of your cravings, try transforming your fridge from a source of temptation into an inspirational reminder of your progress so fa

Opt for small, blue serving dishes

While many of us think we are eating standard portion sizes, this is in fact not always the case.

Set aside an eating area

Whether you eat your meals in the kitchen or a separate dining room, it is important to set aside an area with a table where you can sit down and eat.

Keep your kitchen tidy

If you’re lacking motivation to cook, it may be that your kitchen’s to blame.

Impose a TV ban

If you’re one of the large number of people who prefers to eat their meals in front of a TV or computer screen, then you could be sabotaging your diet without even rea

Set kitchen 'closing hours'

To help cut the amount of food you are consuming, it is helpful to make the kitchen out-of-bounds once you have finished your evening meal.

Spice up your kitchen

Your cupboards and fridge may be packed with healthy items, but how’s your spice rack looking?

Kill your cravings with vanilla

If you struggle to resist sugar cravings following your evening meal, it may be worth investing in a vanilla-scented air freshener or candle for your kitchen

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