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mustlovedogs May 21, 2024

It wouldn’t enter my mind to answer “bear” .  I must live in a very safe bubble.  

mustlovedogs April 22, 2024

@cejj nobody is suggesting she should shut up and stay home.  By all means get out and about but this particular outing was not an appropriate one for many reasons.

mustlovedogs April 11, 2024

It’s entertainment, escapism whether you watched it when it aired originally or more recently.  Can’t we just accept it for what it is?

mustlovedogs March 25, 2024

Yep, my husband who has been living in Switzerland for the last few years, has been singing their praises to anyone who will listen for ages.  His only regret is that he didn’t buy shares!

mustlovedogs March 13, 2024

@laura__palmer I’m not sure about your statement that historically stay at home mothering was an anomaly.  I was just speaking to my mother (who is nearly 80) about this very topic yesterday and she wasn’t aware of many if any people in her circle of friends/acquaintances that worked outside the home in any capacity while the kids were in primary school and then the ones she did know who worked did so on a part time basis when the kids were in high school and older.  In the generation before that (her mother) she didn’t know anybody who worked outside the home and as far as she was aware it was almost unheard of.  Women just need to support women in the choices they make.  As much as you say working mothers feel shame for doing so the same can be said for staying at home.  I know because I have felt this way through the years at different times. 

mustlovedogs February 5, 2024

@thebasilattack who knows what the motivation was behind approaching the mother but I doubt it was for the reason you mentioned.  It was more likely that she is sick of seeing kids run amok with no parental intervention.  It’s the kind of behaviour that left unchecked creates adults who take no responsibility for their actions.  By the sounds of it though there was a better way to approach and speak to the mother.  

mustlovedogs February 1, 2024

@babble surely a civilised conversation was all that needed to happen.  Classic example of over inflated self importance.  Pity the poor sucker who is marrying into that family!

mustlovedogs January 4, 2024

@laura__palmer I don’t think I’m a better parent because I stay at home.  I think I’m lucky that I had a choice and that choice has benefited myself and my family.

mustlovedogs December 30, 2023

@laura__palmer Interesting you think of being a SAHM as an unpaid servant for men and children.  This assumes that the stay at home mum is not getting any benefits from the relationship.  Being a SAHM has been the biggest privilege of my life thus far and it hasn’t stopped me from gaining qualifications or contributing to my community.  In fact, I think I’ve been able to contribute more because I am a SAHM.  Different people different goals and aspirations, neither right or wrong.

mustlovedogs October 21, 2023

@laura__palmer while being a “mum” may not be a career it seems a little petty of the school to reject it, perpetuating the thinking that it is an unworthy thing to do.

mustlovedogs October 19, 2023

Just because a person is “rich” it doesn’t mean that they are out of touch or do little for society.  Plenty of people who have lots of money haven’t always and are aware of their privilege and not necessarily looking down on anyone.  Reality TV shows are not always as they appear, just because they act a certain way doesn’t mean that is true to their real character.  

mustlovedogs October 15, 2023

@laura__palmer agree, its so subjective, no two people will have the same list.  I loved SATC back in the day and even the more recent episodes for that matter.

mustlovedogs October 6, 2023

@yello well said!!

mustlovedogs October 6, 2023

@snorks everyone with kids will have a bias on this topic

mustlovedogs October 4, 2023

@mamamia-user-482898552 of course there are, private schools was just an example of something else which is a lifestyle choice.  I have been a stay home mother of 3 kids for the last 20 years and I’ve never thought about or expected to be paid for that choice I have been lucky enough to make.  However, I do agree with much of what this author writes about and don’t subscribe to the thought that once a child is at school there aren’t valuable contributions a stay at home parent makes to their own kids but also the wider community.

mustlovedogs October 3, 2023

@laura__palmer some good points on both sides of the discussion although I’d prefer to pay taxes to allow more women to stay home and look after their children than say helping to fund private schools.

mustlovedogs September 28, 2023

My sentiments exactly.  I’ve got three kids, one boy and two girls.  All went to the same government co-ed hight school and all had a different experience.  One daughter had a particularly disruptive cohort of boys in her year level which did concern me, but as you mention, it teaches resilience and is reflective of what she would face out in the real world.  Happy with my choice which worked for our kids.  

mustlovedogs September 20, 2023

@laura__palmer thats your interpretation which is valid but she makes some good points, which as a stay at home mother I agree with.  Parenting is such an emotional topic, its human nature people feel defensive whichever way you chose to do it.  

mustlovedogs September 20, 2023

But people would be complaining if they filmed in luxurious surroundings.  It’s a case of damned if you do and damned if you don’t.  At least they are aware of their privilege and trying to seem more relatable.

mustlovedogs September 6, 2023

@anonymous there are lots of different ways a mother can be a role model, being a stay at home mum is one of them just like being a working mum.  It’s not about being able to bake, it’s about being involved in their lives which includes helping out at school and maybe being there for the odd bake sale or sports day etc.