
Recognise this sexy, sexy Aussie scientist? You should...


Did someone knock over a Bunsen burner? Cause it’s getting hot in here.

There’s a handsome young scientist (not you, Dr Alan Duffy) whose photo is doing the rounds on social media today and we just had to find out who it is. Turns out he’s actually 68-years-old.

No, this beautifully bearded hipster hasn’t discovered a miracle anti-ageing treatment, the snap was taken nearly five decades ago.

It’s Dr Karl Kruszelkicki. Age 20.

We’re as surprised as you are. Image: Instagram

The photo resurfaced on image sharing site Imgur earlier this week and set in motion some very unscientific speculation about who the smouldering gentleman could be.

Dr Karl eventually claimed it on his Twitter account, explaining it was taken in his home town of Woolongong while he was working as a physicist at Steel Works.

Happily, it’s not the only evidence the popular scientist was once ridiculously, ridiuclously good looking.

Here is is holding a kitten in 1971.

Cat, car and cool Karl in New Guinea in 1971

A photo posted by Dr Karl Kruszelnicki (@doctor_karl) on Apr 21, 2015 at 1:41am PDT


You’re so welcome.

If you’re not familiar with the work of Dr Karl here he is, talking about it.
