
The top 10 worst fashion faux pas. How many are you guilty of?





The worst fashion faux pas of all time has been revealed and it’s not leggings as pants, double denim or scrunchies.

Drum roll please… it’s socks with sandals (SWS).

Quelle horreur.

Just think about all the criminals tourists repeat offending on a daily basis.

A survey from UK retail chain Debenhams found SWS to be the worst of all the fashion crimes as voted by 1,500 customers.

Even though the tastemakers at Burberry, Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton and Chanel showed SWS on the recent Spring Summer ’13 catwalks, Ed Watson, a spokesman for Debenhams, says, “The fashion crowd might have classed it as en vogue but our customers have voted it the worst look of all time”.

He went on to ‘diss the look as “the epitome of British summer style gone wrong.” Ouch.

“It might look chic on a catwalk but this isn’t a look that many of us want to see on our local high streets,” Watson said.

Fair enough, but who will think of the innocent grandpa’s wandering the streets unaware of their fashion gaffe?

Don’t be dismayed if you’re a hipster fan of the trend, you’re in good company: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kelly Osbourne, Jake Gyllenhaal, Alexa Chung, Bruce Willis, Vanessa Hudgens and even David Beckham have all been spotted in socks and sandals sin:

Never been a socks and sandals kinda gal? Well, do not pass go, do not collect $200 just yet. The judgmental folks shopping at Debenham’s also declared harem pants, crop tops, platforms and cracksters to be in their top ten.

The top ten fashion faux pas
1. Socks and sandals 2. Platforms for men 3. Low slung trousers 4. Velour tracksuits 5. Harems 6. Crop tops 7. Bum bags 8. Shell suit 9. Trucker hats 10. Scrunchies

Wow, looking at that list, I’ve got a 70% strike rate. I’ll let you ponder on which ones…

But wait a second, if we’re talking the worst faux pas of ALL TIME, what about: double denim, puffy sleeves, 80s shoulder pads, gold lame pants, everything from the 80s, underwear as outerwear, Bjork’s swan dress and what is considered to be the ultimate fashion sin (by some) of recent times, LEGGINGS AS PANTS?

How many of the top 10 have you committed? And what do you consider to be you biggest fashion faux pas?

Top Comments

Fluffy_1 10 years ago

My worst fashion disaster has to be the cream and red striped sweater dress I sported to a school disco once, complete with matching legwarmers! I thought I looked the bee's knees... ah, the naivity of youth! XD

cam 11 years ago

I agree to most on the list and it's worse when a person doesn't dress according to their body shape and size.