I felt scared, depressed, angry, heartbroken and utterly confused. Not that anyone ever asked.
Such is the case for many men like myself, whose partners suffer multiple miscarriages while hoping to start, or expand, their families. Perhaps it’s because miscarriage is still a taboo topic people are uncomfortable addressing publicly, and even when it is discussed the conversation almost never includes men and their feelings. That’s understandable to a point, since this loss is, and always will be, harder for women who have to physically and mentally endure the anguish of losing a very wanted baby.
But I’m here to personally tell you men hurt, too. And it’s time we start talking about it.
My wife miscarried four times in as many years. My initial response to seeing my wife in so much pain was to default to “Protector Mode,” spending all of my time and energy tending to her needs and making sure she was okay. Because that’s what real men do, right? Harness as much Irish stoicism as possible, turn off all emotion, be the rock your significant other needs and carry on.
Truth be told, I was faring pretty well for the first couple of losses because they happened early on at the 6 to 7 week mark. I told myself these were “chemical losses” and just a collection of cells. Sure I had gotten my hopes up and started wondering if it was a boy or a girl, but I just tried not to think about it too much.
But then came Alexandra.