There are some things in this world we just know to be true.
Roses are red. Violets are blue. Coriander is revolting. The woman given the third single date always wins The Bachelor.
This, friends, is why I know with every fibre of my red-headed being that the woman of Matty J’s dreams is most definitely a ranga.
No, you’re right. I have never met the man.
But that is irrelevant because this isn’t a matter of ‘sparks’ or emotional compatibility. It’s simple biology.
Listen: Can’t get enough of The Bachelor? Listen to Michelle Andrews and Zara McDonald deconstruct the week that was on Bach Chat below…
Don’t believe me? Here’s five reasons why you should.
Rangas age better
Scientists have revealed a gene which keeps people looking young is EXACTLY the same gene responsible for red hair and fair skin, meaning ginger people are scientifically proven to age better than regular haired folk.
The research suggests that those who carry a variation of the MC1R gene – which causes red hair – look on average two years younger than they actually are.
Hence, Matty will be able to stare longingly at the freckly face he fell in love with for longer. Win.
Rangas produce their own vitamin D
Long story short, rangas can actually produce their own vitamin D… which is actually quite handy considering we can’t go out in the sun all that much.