A few weeks ago a friend was buying bananas at the supermarket.
Stay with me, the story gets better.
With a trolley full of groceries for a family of four, she grabbed the last bunch of lovely yellow bananas on the stand.
Again, stay with me.
A woman she didn’t know snatched that same bunch of bananas out of her hands and said, “I was about to take those, they’re mine.”
This woman was angry and righteous about the scarce banana supplies. These were hers and she started to snap at my friend for ‘taking her bananas’ and pretending ‘you didn’t see me’ and ‘pushing her out the way’.
My friend didn’t know what to say. She ended up telling the very “aggressive” woman clutching stolen bananas that she ‘never even touched her’. That was the best she had. Then they exchanged a few choice words by the Pink Lady apples.
Just by the by, these weren’t two starving women at a border crossing in a war-torn country. These were two well-dressed women, one probably wearing a Breton striped shirt, standing in the aisles of a very well-stocked supermarket (that even sells sushi) having a fight over bananas.
And there were probably heaps more out the back.
This week I read the horrible story about a 31-year-old man allegedly throwing liquid chlorine over the fence at his 45-year-old neighbour. The report said the neighbours had been fighting over a noise issue when the alleged incident occurred on a Sunday afternoon. The 45-year-old has been left partially blind in one eye and the 31-year-old has been charged with grevious bodily harm.