
The origin story behind why the Academy Awards are called "The Oscars" is weirdly sweet.

The 2018 Academy Awards are on the horizon, but before you organise a viewing party or mentally prepare to call in sick that day so you can enjoy the red carpet, there’s one piece of information you need to be armed with.

When talking about Hollywood’s biggest awards night, people tend to use the titles “the Academy Awards” and “the Oscars” interchangeably.

Some people think they are two different events, while others may assume that “the Oscars” is the show’s official moniker.

But both of these assumptions are incorrect.

The ceremony is run by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

They are the world’s preeminent movie related organization, comprised of more than 8000 men and women who are highly accomplished in their fields in the world of movie making and therefore decide who is worthy of being handed gold statues each year.

Calling the Academy Awards “the Oscars” stems from the nickname given to the trophy itself.

The Netflix movie making history at the Oscars this year.

Now, the origin story behind how this all came to be about cannot be proven to be totally historically accurate, but according to the official Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences website, one story in particular is held up to be the most likely way the nickname came into prominence.

According to the experts, the official name of the statue is the Academy Award of Merit, but it is better known by its nickname, Oscar.

It states on the Academy’s website that “while the origins of the moniker aren’t clear, a popular story has it that upon seeing the trophy for the first time, Academy librarian (and eventual executive director) Margaret Herrick remarked that it resembled her Uncle Oscar.

“The Academy didn’t adopt the nickname officially until 1939, but it was widely known enough by 1934 that Hollywood columnist Sidney Skolsky used it in a piece referring to Katharine Hepburn’s first Best Actress win.”

So, there you have it. The most prestigious award in Hollywood stems from a lovely lady called Margaret recalling her old Uncle Oscar.

What a sweet story.

For more TV and film news and reviews, you can follow Mamamia Entertainment Editor Laura Brodnik on Facebook. 

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