I drank at least four cans of Diet Coke every day for years. I’d heard that it could wreck my blood sugar control, boost my risk of prediabetes by 20 percent and trigger weight gain. I’d also heard that it could damage my teeth and cause mood swings, chronic headaches and even bone thinning. I didn’t care. The soda was my treat. I loved it, I craved it, and I had no intention of giving it up.
Then I found out that a sensitivity to Aspartame — the sweetener in my beloved beverage — could be the reason I was struggling with daily bouts of diarrhea, bloating, gassiness and belly pain. It was time to quit. So that Friday, I chugged my last Diet Coke and switched to water. No problem, right?
Wrong. I spent all day Saturday lying on the cold concrete floor in our garage, trying to numb the killer migraine that was threatening to destroy the left side of my head. By Sunday night, the headache had finally started to fade, but I was so crabby, queasy and tired that my kids wanted to be nowhere near me.
On Monday, I snapped. I pulled a big tub of cookie dough out of the freezer and used a screwdriver to break off chunks so I could eat them raw. I was looking for something — anything — that would help me feel human again.
It took two weeks to shake the worst of the withdrawal symptoms and at least six months before my daily Diet Coke cravings eased. My intestinal problems disappeared when I went cold turkey, but I still cringe when I think back to how miserable I was during those first long weeks.