
There are 7 different types of school parents. Which one are you?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that lingering at the gates of schools across Australia, there are seven different types of parents. 

With six years of school drop-offs under my belt, I have scoped every bake sale, fundraiser and carnival and have observed these seven clearly defined archetypes. 

And it takes all these types to keep the school community ecosystem functioning. Without "The Nicole", schools as we know it would perish and crumble.

"The Athleisure Achiever" raises the stakes of cupcake stalls giving delicious and Pinterest-worthy bake sale options, which really helps out those who can’t/don’t bake. If you're "The Hot Mess" I see you. 

And who would be the spreader of information and creator of social functions without "The Chatty Cathy".

"The Compare The Pair-ent" cares on behalf of all of us when we don't have time to, and "The Outsourcer" might not put the man hours into a secondhand uniform sale but is happy to bankroll a raffle. 

And the laissez-faire self assurance of "The Been There, Done That" keeps the whole school community grounded. 

So which one are you? 

And if you aren't a school parent yet, which one will you be? 

Take our free quiz to find out... 


Listen: Want to listen to the full episode of This Glorious Mess on the 7 types of school parents? Click below.

Feature image: Getty. 

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