Image: Keri Kitay PR.
My first thought when asked if I wanted to participate in a Physicore class was, ‘Hell, yeah I want to do Physicore’ then ‘Wait, what’s Physicore?’ then after Googling it, ‘Gee, they really missed an excellent pun opportunity by not using ‘Let’s Get Physicore’ as their tagline.
So that’s how I found myself very early one Wednesday morning, with ‘Let’s Get Physicore, Physicore, I wanna get Physicore’ stuck in my head looking at several foreign yet terrifying Pilates Reformer machines.
I’d just read the class had been dubbed ‘Pilates on crack,’ so in a clear cry for help I tweeted the below photo, captioning it, ‘These machines are in my near future. I’m scared.’
The instructor, who happened to be eight months pregnant, asked if anyone had slipped in a cheeky run before class. ‘Who is running before a class at 7am?’ I thought, holding back a chuckle. And then someone raised their hand. It was at this exact moment I realised I was not in Kansas anymore, and this class was probably going to hurt. A lot.
We began by mounting our machines, and taking what looked like an oar to hold for balance. Not being the most coordinated person in the world I struggled to do this. And we hadn’t even started moving yet.
Cat Rose, the instructor and co-founder, then demonstrated a series of exercises that targeted our legs. We started by sliding one leg into a backwards lunge. We then turned to the side and did our inner thighs, outer thighs and quads. After we had mastered these basic moves, Cat added in an arm element. So we were now moving our legs back and down and doing a bicep curl with resistance bands at the same time. Not a particulary easy thing to do for the most coordinated among us. The only thing that got me through this part of the class was that if a heavily pregnant woman could at least demonstrate these moves, I should be able to execute them.