
'I'm a beast': Eva Mendes said she shaves her face 'every other day'. Here's why.

Okay, but Eva Mendes just shared that she shaves her face because she's a 'hairy beast' — and can she just be our best friend already? Please and thank you.

Yes, face shaving! It's a thing.

While the popular technique been doing the rounds on Instagram and TikTok as of recently, it's not necessarily a new trend. In fact, we've talked about it a whole heap on the You Beauty podcast.

In case you haven't heard of it, shaving your face is also known as dermaplaning, and the skincare technique has actually been around for yonks. It's a really popular treatment for smooth, soft and glowing skin.

Watch: Eva Mendes isn't the only one on board with dermaplaning. Here's Chloe Morello on why she shaves her face. Post continues below.

Video via Mammaia

In a recent Instagram post, 49-year-old Mendes wrote, "Yes, I shaved my face!"

Her caption went on to detail her skincare treatment, which involved a professional shaving away the top layers of skin and hair on her face.


Is it just us, or does it look satisfying as hell?

In a follow-up post she wrote: "Shaving my face! I received a lot of comments on yesterday’s post from women who’ve been shaving their face for years-ok I guess "dermaplaning" is the preferred word but it is what it is and I LOVE it!"

She also responded to comments on the post (*swoon!*), including questions about how frequently she shaves her face. 

She told one follower: "I’m a beast so I probably need every other day! Ha. My hair grows back if I get chills."

"I'll literally be shaving my legs in the shower and get chills and all my work is undone!"

Hard relate.


Another follower asked the actress what kind of results she notices post-treatment, to which she replied, "Makeup and moisturizer goes on much smoother. I’m hairy tho. My Cuban Papi is a man bear and I’m his mini me."

So, should you shave your face?

Good question. Important question. 

Here's absolutely everything you need to know about dermaplaning.

What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a basically a fancy term for using a razor to remove peach fuzz/mildly exfoliate your face.

Mamamia's Executive Editor and all-round beauty wizard Leigh Campbell touts it as a fantastic treatment for making your skin silky smooth and for significantly better-looking makeup.


And honestly, we're here for it.

You can do it at home (there are lots of face shavers on the market) or you can get it done professionally in a clinic (as per Eva Mendes).

For at-home dermaplaning, there are a heap of special razors you can buy for the process (here's some of the supermarket face razor options we tried), but if you're not fussed on getting fancy (although, most of them are pretty affordable), you could also probably just use a good quality men’s razor.

What's involved?

The skincare procedure involves a professional gently scraping your skin with a small sharp tool — not unlike a scalpel — using light, feathery strokes. 

Leigh told us, "It’s best done on clean, dry skin, or a face that’s slightly lubed up (a face oil is perfect)."

If you're doing it at-home, just be really careful, yeah? And again — use slow, soft upward strokes to remove the hair around the neck, chin and cheek area. 

The razor will remove any hair — what’s known as vellus hair — which is fine and pale and covers most of our faces and bodies.

Shaving vellus hair from the face exfoliates the skin and stimulates collagen production, which is supposed to allow skincare products to penetrate deeper and your makeup to go on smoother. 

So, this is why it's a really popular treatment that Hollywood A-Listers book themselves in prior to hitting major red carpet events. It's all starting to make sense!

After you've shaved, you can then pretty much just cleanse your skin and do your normal skincare routine.


Easy as pie!

But doesn’t shaving your face make it even hairier?

Good news: It will grow back to exactly what was there before. Really!

It's scary, we know, but contrary to everything we thought we ever knew about hair removal, shaving does not make your hair grow back thicker or darker.

In fact, a US esthetician, Kerry Benjamin, debunked this myth a while back. She said that when you shave hair off at the base, you’re in no way changing the structure of the hair follicle, which totally makes sense now we think about it.

As our friend Leigh Campbell told us, "It may feel a teeny bit thicker because there’s no tapered edge to the beginning of the hair shaft as it has been cut blunt by the razor — but it's still the exact same thickness and colour."

What are the best hair removal methods?

As mentioned, there are lost of different options on the market for at-home dermaplaning.

Some of our favourites are Revlon Face Defuzzer 2 pack, $10.49, and MCoBeauty Facial & Brow Razor Super Smooth, $14.

There's also just your standard non-fancy razor options like Gillette Fusion Terracycle Starter Pack, $29.95 

But if you're feeling a little lazy and want to cheat (all of us, always), reach for something like Flawless Finishing Touch Face, $32.99.. 

And if you're a wee bit too scared about the whole putting-a-razor-to-your-face thing, head to a salon and have a pro do it for you. 

Have you ever tried dermaplaning or facial shaving? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

Feature image: Instagram: @evamendes.

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